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Eminent Member
235 kWhs
Joined: Sep 14, 2023
Last seen: Feb 23, 2024
Topics: 1 / Replies: 13
I have a MVHR Vent Axia

Mine was a waste of time and money, first installer did it wrong so all had to be ripped out by installer number 2, trading standards would not accept...

5 months ago
RE: My horrific Samsung heat pump installation and experience

Email to Napit, RECC, MCS in July 2023 one of hundreds go around in circles, no one cares As is the norm, with ---------, what is going on, asked for ...

6 months ago
RE: My horrific Samsung heat pump installation and experience

Yes have legal cover been there tried that, thanks anyway, they all say take legal action, dead end when no funds left to take action, government in S...

6 months ago
RE: Boiling Mad: Exposing Radiatorgate

Disgraceful situation, especially when using heat pumps as they runt at a lower temperature, has this been sent to the ASA , Trading Standards or Gove...

6 months ago
RE: GSHP 10 years later still not got a fully working system CTC heat pump works sadly installers a different matter

Ten years ago in 2013 I found a rural cottage in Scotland, it was semi-derelict but in a perfect location, no heating, hot water, or insulation but an...

6 months ago
RE: Forum updates, announcements & issues

@editor Thank you for all your hard work and help, as an elderly user, find I get too many emails, with the same subject, links in, what have I done w...

6 months ago
RE: My horrific Samsung heat pump installation and experience

@derek-m Been in the papers, not much use, MP, MSP that was years ago

6 months ago
RE: My horrific Samsung heat pump installation and experience

@editor RECC just pass over to Napit, over a year and no communication from RECC, MCS, they are not interested let alone help

6 months ago
RE: Rate the quality of your heat pump design and installation

@witchcraft In england courts seem fine, sadly Scotland seems a lot more complicated, if I was in England I would have put it in court in no time

6 months ago
RE: My horrific Samsung heat pump installation and experience

@iantelescope Sounds like you had better luck than me EST / HES caused most of my issues, NAPIT have sent 2 inspectors so far RECC and MCS have done n...

6 months ago
Ten years since planning a GSHP

What a fiasco, promised over and over that I could get an interest free loan in Scotland for a GSHP from Home Energy Scotland / Energy saving trust ab...

6 months ago
RE: Samsung 5kW R32 Monobloc Gen 6 ASHP

Well done, impressed wish i could have done my own, spent years with the loans/grants fiasco never got a penny. I used an MCS, RECC, approved company,...

6 months ago
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