Aira Heat Pump: Sty...
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Aira Heat Pump: Stylish Scandinavian Heating

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@mikeh If I understood the original posting correctly, I would imagine all their installations would require PP if they mount the pumps on a 40 cm high stand!

And thinking about the roll-up of three crews, that must mean 6 or more engineers wasted half a day at least - on top of which, there would be the time taken to issue and load the stock required on site and all the appropriate paper work. I would imagine that that lot must come to at least £1,000. On top of all this, there would be the survey costs…..

Regards, Toodles

Toodles, he heats his home with cold draughts and cooks his food with magnets.

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Posted by: @toodles

@mikeh If I understood the original posting correctly, I would imagine all their installations would require PP if they mount the pumps on a 40 cm high stand!

And thinking about the roll-up of three crews, that must mean 6 or more engineers wasted half a day at least - on top of which, there would be the time taken to issue and load the stock required on site and all the appropriate paper work. I would imagine that that lot must come to at least £1,000. On top of all this, there would be the survey costs…..

Regards, Toodles

What's that saying "measure twice, cut once". I wonder if the 'surveyor' received a promotion to 'manager'?


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@derek-m 😅😅😅 Toodles.

Toodles, he heats his home with cold draughts and cooks his food with magnets.


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There is a saying along the lines of ‘Promoted up the chain to the level of their incompetency.’ 😉 Toodles.

Toodles, he heats his home with cold draughts and cooks his food with magnets.

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Posted by: @toodles

There is a saying along the lines of ‘Promoted up the chain to the level of their incompetency.’ 😉 Toodles.

Specifically, that is the Peter Principle, @toodles, and it has a great degree of truth to it. Someone good at their job will be promoted, calling on different skills. If they are good in that new position, another promotion is likely and so it will continue until they are given a job they’re not good at. At that point, they won’t get another promotion, thereby adding another incompetent manager to the hierarchy and leaving them there.


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@pie_eater of the 4 quotes you've had, how many heat loss surveys have you paid for?? This is the part I always struggle with, how can you obtain comparable quotes if you need to outlay 3-500 quid every time?!!

This post was modified 8 months ago by Mars

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@squeakysim actually none !
octopus and Aira do it for free. the last one was via a friend . In some ways paying for a properly independent view (say heat geek) , would be preferable- the line between survey and wanting a sale is very thin I think.

This post was modified 8 months ago by Mars

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Posted by: @pie_eater

...Aira do it for free.
It may have been free for you because they have had to cancel through no fault of yours. But the customer has to sign the contract before they do the full survey and under the T&C's they reserve the right to charge for work performed (including the survey and design) if the client subsequently pulls out. 

This post was modified 8 months ago by Mars

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@ivanopinion you know what - maybe I did pay a deposit! I can’t remember now, I’ll check.

This post was modified 8 months ago by Mars


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It's been a busy day for calls and emails from Aira. I have be communicating with the design team today as they believe that my heat loss is very close to being suitable for the smaller 8kW unit. I am concerned the 12Kw will cycle to much. And they think the 8kw would be cheaper to run. I had been considering internally insulating my hall, so I asked if they could test the heat loss with my hall wall internally insulated. They did this and it would reduce the heat loss by more than the 400 watts needed to bring me in line with a 8kW unit. As the smaller unit costs less and would not need planning permission application work on their end, they reduced the cost which I will put towards the insulation work. We are now going ahead with the smaller 8Kw unit and and smaller 40 litre buffer, under the agreement I complete the hall insulation. I now have a much closer install date because we don't need to wait for planning permission. Install starts WC 8th August and I have some work to do to make the utility room ready for the cylinder and buffer tank. insulation will be done in Sept before heating is properly needed.  

This post was modified 8 months ago by MikeH

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I'll be waiting for your update Mike. I live in Italy and I will get the visit from Aira on the 21st of August let's see what kind of quotation they will send me after the survey. Did they tell you if they are going to install their machine or the Valliant one?

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@alecsej would love to hear what your experience will be like and how different the approach between Italy and the UK will be.

As an aside, are air to water systems popular in Italy?

This post was modified 7 months ago by Mars

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