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My horrific Samsung heat pump installation and experience

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Metering ?

During a Shouting competition with my Installer and an NIC Engineer I was offered help 

"If and only if I removed All my metering ".

Needless to say I refused to accept the offer pointing out that my metering was my principal method of checking the performance , or otherwise, of the Heat Pump.

I have several meters covering the Mains inputs , Water Outputs and seven Temperature sensors.



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Posted by: @iantelescope

With my "installer" being now "STRUCK OFF " for third , and hopefully final time , I am now left with a system with running  costs about twice that of the gas boiler it replaced.

The Heat pump, with an absolute maximum of 3.5 kw power output ( as measured by a Sharky water Power meter)   does not provide enough heat to heat my living room let alone my house when outside temperatures dip below +3 C.

The Water heater , being completely unaffordable, has been replaced by a Electric shower unit, with a kitchen electric under sink water heater to follow.  .

The Heat pump originally "designed" to provide circa 6.5 kW actually  produces between  2kW and  3.5 kW as measured by the Sharky when the outside temperature is less than +3 C.

The Heat pump is "short cycling" with up to 90 oscillations with each oscillation consisting of a 5 minute Running time and a 11 minute Cycling time.

Visits by the "installers" accompanied by an "engineer" from the NIC resulted in the final demise of my "installers" with a final "STRIKE OFF" for fabricating the results of their EPC Certification to justify the Heat pump they finally "installed".



I am sorry to hear of your problems.

Your installer should have Professional Indemnity Insurance, it may pay for you to see if you can make a claim.

If you would care to provide details or direct us to your previous post we can see if there is any further advice that we can give.


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To add to @derek-m's point, from my research the consumer codes are also supposed to step in. Both HIES and RECC have independent dispute resolution bodies that can investigate complaints and force the installer to rectify problems, even if they're bankrupt. This can include redoing faulty installations, resolving incomplete work or even providing refunds. Needless to say, I don't know how on earth that can be enforceable but it's one of their roles. The system really is broken. 

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@editor RECC just pass over to Napit, over a year and no communication from RECC, MCS, they are not interested let alone help

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@west, quite honestly, I don't understand why there are so many organisations and bodies, and none of them do anything. I've tried to interview them all to get an indication of what they do and how they protect homeowners, and they've all declined which speaks volumes.

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Posted by: @west

@iantelescope Sounds like you had better luck than me EST / HES caused most of my issues, NAPIT have sent 2 inspectors so far RECC and MCS have done nothing so far, they all seem to protect themselves my MSP and MP tried but was shut down by the Scottish Government's Patrick Harvey Green Party

Maybe one of the newspapers would be interested in your story.


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@derek-m Been in the papers, not much use, MP, MSP that was years ago

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Posted by: @editor

@west, quite honestly, I don't understand why there are so many organisations and bodies, and none of them do anything. I've tried to interview them all to get an indication of what they do and how they protect homeowners, and they've all declined which speaks volumes.

You are missing the point Mars. If they don't have numerous organisations, they cannot pass you from one to the other, all doing nothing, until you finally throw in the towel and give up. 🙄 


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@derek-m, so true. We’ve seen scores of members here tag teamed into submission and exhaustion.

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Thanks for your offer of advice ,Derek.


How NOT to set up a Heat Pump!

After enduring a shouting match between myself , two Engineers from my "installer" and a NIC Engineer, My confidence in the NIC and my installers has been destroyed.

The Two Installer Engineers left my Heat Pump inoperative after demonstrating how not to set up a Heat Pump, followed by an hour long failure to repair the resulting fault. terminating with a swift, silent  exit.

The NIC Engineer departed after suddenly deciding that "he needed some air" , leaving myself to undo the set up errors.


A Devastating example of how not to inspire confidence in either my "installer" or the NIC.


The NIC now says that "nothing can be done" and that I should seek legal advice and  / or advice from Citizens Advice or Conciliation and Arbitration.

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Following the "success" of their MCS,NICEIC ,RECC organisation of the renewable industry I now read  that the UK Government is proposing to extend "Light Touch Regulation ", LTR to the implementation of Artificial Intelligence, AI !

That "Light Touch Regulation"  has been reduced to a three letter mnemonic,  LTR, leaves me cold , literally   cold,  and speechless . 

Nothing has been learnt from the MCS, NICEIC, RECC fiasco!

I have now resigned myself to repairing and or replacing my heat pump myself.

After, eighteen months of  "Light touch Regulation " costing me circa £5.6 K I am left repaying a "loan" of £2.2K  on a  system with Energy  losses between 23% and 48%( HOT Water) with a REAL- Winter COP of 2.01 that has a (short) cycling time of 11 minutes over a run time of 5 minutes.

The NIC,cMCS say that " You are not going to like this ... but, nothing can be done when your "installer" is "sanctioned, and STRUCK OFF."

The NIC now say that "they have extended their sanctions against my installer". Useless!

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With my "installer" being STRUCK OFF for the third, and hopefully final time, I will have to repair and replace my heat pump myself.

I  intend with some trepidation, removing the lousy heat exchanger, an unnecessary 200 litre hot water tank and a 50 litre buffer tank.

I will also remove the water valves switching water between the Hot Water Tank and the heat exchanger.

I will also replace a faulty Samsung controller board, hopefully allowing the pulse width modulation motor output to finally work.

How to start, I am full of trepidation... Given my inexperience and the sheer physical size and weight of the heat pump .

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