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Renewable Heating Hub Forums

Renewable Heating

Sustainable Sidetracks

Well & Truly Off The Grid

Anything that doesn't fit into one of the forums above goes here, including hobbies, sport and anything else that's fun. No politics please.

Buy & Sell

A place to buy and sell items relating to central heating, heat pumps and smart home tech. Feel free to advertise used or new equipment here. Renewable Heating Hub is not a shop and is not responsible for any defective products or warranty issues.


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Heat Pump Dramas?

Thinking about installing a heat pump but unsure where to start? Already have one but it’s not performing as expected? Or are you locked in a frustrating dispute with an installer or manufacturer? We’re here to help.

Pre-Installation Planning
Post-Installation Troubleshooting
Performance Optimisation
✅ Complaint Support (Manufacturer & Installer)

👉 Book a one-to-one consultation now.

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