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492 kWhs
Joined: May 20, 2023
Last seen: Jul 26, 2024
Topics: 3 / Replies: 16
RE: Eco 4 Scheme - Choice?

Our system was fitted a year ago under ECO4. It is working well. I have learned through posts here that some small things could have been done bet...

2 weeks ago
RE: No-code, plug-and-play monitoring for your heat pump

No mention of Samsung on the compatibility page ?

3 months ago
RE: Samsung Gen6 setting I can't fathom..........

thanks......... The HP coming on via the iBoost or with the PV setting in the Gen6 controller ?

10 months ago
RE: Samsung Gen6 setting I can't fathom..........

Set DHW on a schedule and this AM it came on proving that it was just as you suggested 🙂 . not a "issue I couldn't find" just me not thinking sideway...

11 months ago
RE: Samsung Gen6 setting I can't fathom..........

@mike-h thanks again, yes, that is probably it. I'll wait till next time and look

11 months ago
RE: Samsung Gen6 setting I can't fathom..........

Thanks. Heat pump does heat/maintain DHW but max temp is 55 (I wonder if it is running random disinfection cycle ? }

11 months ago
RE: Samsung Gen6 setting I can't fathom..........

ASHP ran on until outlet temp reached 64. The lights on zone valve boxes above show neither were calling for heat.

11 months ago
RE: Samsung Gen6 setting I can't fathom..........

The pump came on again early this morning. I took more pics but I can't see any clues apart from "Thermostat 1" being "on" in Zone status info ?

11 months ago
RE: Prioritise PV output to DHW ?

@iancalderbank Thanks. Seen PM but cant reply to them yet 🙂 thanks

12 months ago
RE: Prioritise PV output to DHW ?

Many thanks. I would love to come and collect. How do you want to arrange this ? (donation to MS Society if that's OK with you, son has MS)

12 months ago
RE: Prioritise PV output to DHW ?

DOH .. I have just realised what FTAGH means 😊

12 months ago
RE: Prioritise PV output to DHW ?

@iancalderbank Thanks for the reply. I'm in Worcester but ........ How much do you want and what is included ?

12 months ago
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