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292 kWhs
Joined: Nov 26, 2022
Last seen: Dec 3, 2023
Topics: 2 / Replies: 34
RE: Rate the quality of your heat pump design and installation

I voted "generally good" although it would have been "very pleased" were it not for a fault on the indoor unit which can't be blamed on the installer ...

2 years ago
RE: The Mystery of the Weather Compensation Curve

Is that actually true though? See the other thread entitled "heat pump myths". The cooler a house is at any given time, the less heat it is losing to ...

2 years ago
RE: The Mystery of the Weather Compensation Curve

I'm confused, aren't the room stats supposed to be turning the flow on and off, while the weather compensation controls how hot the flow is? It seem...

2 years ago
RE: Heat Pump Truth or Myth#1 - Keeping it running 24/7 uses less energy

The other variable, which applies to me and I suspect quite a few other people, is variable electricity tariffs. My energy costs about 33% less overni...

2 years ago
RE: Vaillant arotherm plus 7KW electric usage

I believe that is actually a COP of 3. The energy yield is the excess heat generated, on top of the electricity used. So you have produced (222+444) o...

2 years ago
RE: Damage (by installers?) on back of brand new heat pump

My outdoor unit had similar damage to the fins - it looks like it's only very small areas and ours was similar - the bottom corner had obviously been ...

2 years ago
RE: Oil vs Gas vs ASHP costs.

The room thermostat controls when the UFH calls for heat, and the weather compensation controls the flow temperature that the heat pump delivers. Is t...

2 years ago
RE: Oil vs Gas vs ASHP costs.

I'm trying to work out the best way to run my ASHP with Economy 7. Our cheap tariff runs from 11.30pm to 6.30am. At the moment I have the thermostat s...

2 years ago
RE: How can I get my Daikin Altherma 3R to be more efficient with Economy 7?

I would also add that having checked out the Bulb tariff for non Economy 7, the rate is only slightly lower than my existing tariff (34.2258p versus 3...

2 years ago
RE: How can I get my Daikin Altherma 3R to be more efficient with Economy 7?

Hello, I posted this in the welcome thread so I wasn’t expecting to get my own thread 😀 Some more info: Electricity rates: night 23.9p, day 36.8p...

2 years ago
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