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292 kWhs
Joined: Nov 26, 2022
Last seen: Dec 3, 2023
Topics: 2 / Replies: 34
RE: Icy cold weather, weather compensation and consumption

Yesterday it stayed below zero all day and was foggy - bad conditions for icing. My usage for the whole day was 52 kWh or which the heat pump accou...

1 year ago
RE: Why are my flow and return temperatures reading the same?

@iancalderbank Thanks Ian for that explanation.I have noticed that in recent days with colder weather and a higher LWT temperature, there is more of a...

1 year ago
RE: Why are my flow and return temperatures reading the same?

Well I have dropped the pump from "PP3" to "PP2" mode - proportional pressure, intermediate curve. I am sure that the flow and return temperatur...

1 year ago
RE: Why are my flow and return temperatures reading the same?

@iancalderbank The manual states minimum flow rate is 12 litres per minute. So it sounds like I don't need the UFH pump on max speed.

1 year ago
RE: Why are my flow and return temperatures reading the same?

Only Delta T, from what I have seen. The "main zone" (which is the only zone, as both UFH and rads are run off the single leaving water zone as far as...

1 year ago
RE: Why are my flow and return temperatures reading the same?

To the best of my knowledge the main pump is inside the indoor unit - it's one of these, incorporating the DHW tank. There's also a pump that supplies...

1 year ago
RE: Daikin COP / energy used measurement from MMI

I have a similar Daikin system and although it seems to accurately show the electricity used, I have my doubts over the accuracy of the heat produced....

1 year ago
RE: Why are my flow and return temperatures reading the same?

Do you mean the external pump? There is a Grundfos pump attached to the UFH manifold which has three lights, indicating that it is running at the high...

1 year ago
RE: Do setbacks save energy without compromising comfort?

Well, having had the heat pump running continually yesterday (on weather compensation, with the house at a comfortable 20-21C downstairs and 19C upsta...

1 year ago
RE: Ecodan ASHP cycling every couple of hours

I found the same thing. I got an ASHP installed as part of an extension and more or less total renovation. Despite getting the installer to come and m...

1 year ago
RE: Do setbacks save energy without compromising comfort?

Forgive my ignorance but do you mean a pump that is part of the heat pump unit, or the external central heating pump? I assumed that the water circula...

1 year ago
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