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Simple wildlife shout-out

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Just wondering what kinds of wildlife you get to see in and around your gardens.

We’re pretty lucky, seeing plenty of badgers, foxes, deer, woodpeckers, all manner of normal garden birds, and several newts and frogs in the pond. However, despite best endeavours, we’ve never been able to attract any hedgehogs in.

105 m2 bungalow in South East England
Mitsubishi Ecodan 8.5 kW air source heat pump
18 x 360W solar panels
1 x 6 kW GroWatt battery and inverter
Raised beds for home-grown veg and chickens for eggs

"Semper in excretia; suus solum profundum variat"

Mars and Mars reacted
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No hedgehogs either. We’ve got loads of pheasants, resident mallards and moorhens on the pond, rabbits, birds (robins, woodpeckers, buzzards, herons) and foxes. Thankfully no deer that would destroy our young trees and veg garden.

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To be frank, the foxes are the biggest problem, so we’ve wrapped the chicken run in significant amounts of electric fencing. All the other wildlife is welcome.

105 m2 bungalow in South East England
Mitsubishi Ecodan 8.5 kW air source heat pump
18 x 360W solar panels
1 x 6 kW GroWatt battery and inverter
Raised beds for home-grown veg and chickens for eggs

"Semper in excretia; suus solum profundum variat"

Famed Member Moderator
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The normal garden birds, pheasants, red kites, rabbits, lots of squirrels and yes,we saw a hedgehog last year.  The odd dog that has wandered off too. 


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