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Kev M
Famed Member
5562 kWhs
Joined: Mar 5, 2021
Last seen: May 7, 2024
Topics: 11 / Replies: 1288
RE: Ecodan 14kW hot water

Where is your water tank? I'm wondering how it gets so cold, way below room temp. Does it ever actually get to 50 deg at the taps?

5 months ago
RE: Electricity use for heat pumps - comparing homes and consumption

14kW Ecodan, rural East Midlands, largish 1990 bungalow 21.5 throughout mostly 24/7. Heating and HW combined- December 699kWh COP 2.95 January 947kWh...

5 months ago
RE: Ecodan help with efficiency setup and design - removing manifold mixers, LLH and pumps

Looks good so far. The cycling may be the low flow temps rather than the energy (although they are of course related). Ecodans seem to struggle to m...

6 months ago
RE: Ground source heat pump is unaffordable to run

@gshpwoes scalding hot DHW suggests it's using an immersion heater. This would use a lot of energy. Does your GSHP also have a backup heater, i.e...

6 months ago
RE: How are Ecodan CoP quotes from MelCloud setups?

@davidalgarve The figures from the control panel and those from Melcloud should be the same, as yours are. I was talking about using external heat ...

6 months ago
RE: How are Ecodan CoP quotes from MelCloud setups?

I have used both on the same system and the previous internal measurements of COP were very similar to the current externally metered ones.

6 months ago
RE: Ecodan 11.2kW with low 5 litre per minute flow rate leading to L9 error

The high delta T (difference between THW1 and THW2) also supports a too low flow rate. Are all the ufh/radiators all getting warm? Even at an average...

6 months ago
RE: Heat pump size advice – is 16kW overkill for this property?

@bontwoody I agree with most of your comments and I especially agree the installer is either making things up or is really incompetent. On the sizi...

6 months ago
RE: Heat pump size advice – is 16kW overkill for this property?

I'm not sure about the relevant consumer law. It might be hard to prove it's not fit for purpose if it's able to heat the property and especially if ...

6 months ago
RE: Heat pump size advice – is 16kW overkill for this property?

@bontwoody, it does seem excessive for a 100m2 house that has a heat loss in the normal range.

6 months ago
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