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Would you be interested in listening to a weekly Renewable Heating Hub podcast? Poll is created on Jan 28, 2024


Would you be interested in a Renewable Heating Hub Podcast?

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Illustrious Member Admin
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We are curious to know if you would be interested in a Renewable Heating Hub podcast. The focus of the podcast would be on renewables, covering various topics such as challenges, issues, and successes. It would solely be targeted at homeowners and consumers. We plan to discuss popular posts from the forums, do Q&As and invite commentary from industry experts where necessary. Essentially, this podcast will cater to what users on the Renewable Heating Hub are interested in, and we will be open to suggestions and recommendations.

Please vote on the poll so that we can see what the general consensus is, and by all means, please suggest which platforms you prefer.

You can vote on multiple things.

Buy Bodge Buster – Homeowner Air Source Heat Pump Installation Guide: https://amzn.to/3NVndlU
From Zero to Heat Pump Hero: https://amzn.to/4bWkPFb

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Illustrious Member Admin
18462 kWhs
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We’re super excited because we’ve started recording the new podcast, and we think it’s going to be a great way to give heat pump and renewables homeowners a much-needed voice.

While we have a comprehensive list of topics lined up, we’re open to suggestions for any interesting or controversial subjects you’d like us to explore.

Buy Bodge Buster – Homeowner Air Source Heat Pump Installation Guide: https://amzn.to/3NVndlU
From Zero to Heat Pump Hero: https://amzn.to/4bWkPFb

Follow our sustainability journey at My Home Farm: https://myhomefarm.co.uk

Estimable Member Member
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Yes, love a Podcast as you know. Having been on Nathan's many times. 

Technical Manager & Professional Installer: Ultimate Renewables

Mars reacted

Famed Member Contributor
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@editor In a few words, yes please.

I would prefer perhaps no more than 30 minutes per pod and avoiding chatter and pleasantries (are you reading this ‘Fully Charged’ (Yes, OUCH!) )

Possible topics to include: Why should you choose to go green? Why a heat pump? Picking an installer. Should you have a service contract? How to carry out adjustments to improve efficiency and COP. Should I have new larger radiators fitted? Siting the ASHP and noise (!😉)

Would you be thinking of including interviews with contented / discontented Users?

Regards, Toodles.

Toodles, 76 years young and hoping to see 100 and make some ROI on my renewable energy investment!

Mars reacted
Famed Member Contributor
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Posts: 1009

And not forgetting PV panels, siting of same, inverters, to have or not have battery - what size? Regards, Toodles.

Toodles, 76 years young and hoping to see 100 and make some ROI on my renewable energy investment!

Mars reacted

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