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Kev M
Famed Member
5606 kWhs
Joined: Mar 5, 2021
Last seen: Jan 8, 2025
Topics: 10 / Replies: 1266
RE: Mitsubishi Ecodan - issues with flow/return difference and fluctuation

Sali, there is something wrong here. The flow and return temps aren't just close; they are almost identical. Is it possible the sensors are instal...

2 years ago
RE: Yearly maintenance

Mine is 5 years if serviced every year.

2 years ago
RE: Daikin monobloc energy usage

@alastair Ah, I hadn't realised you had batteries. It shouldn't be iced up for any length of time and it won't be doing much for your COP if it i...

2 years ago
RE: Mitsu Ecodan - issues with flow/return difference and fluctuation

Hi Sali and welcome. Sorry to hear of your woes. A few quick questions to get started: Can you explain how you are running the system - fixed fl...

2 years ago
RE: Daikin monobloc energy usage

I can't speak for anything other than my ASHP but my Mitsubishi Ecodan defrosted every 1-2 hours in the December and January cold snaps. I never saw ...

2 years ago
RE: Air Source Heat Pump problems

Hi John, welcome and sorry to hear of your problems. Some more information will help you get the best advice: - Was a heat calculation done as part ...

2 years ago
RE: Are there issues with Vaillant’s app?

Having worked in the software industry, the chances are the engineers are OK. What happens is, the software is developed and tested and the defects ar...

2 years ago
RE: Midea Monobloc 10kW ASHP - serious issues

@mmiuse thanks for the extra info. It is possible from what you are saying that your ASHP can't cope with your heating/HW requirements in the winte...

2 years ago
RE: New £200 payment for customers off the gas grid

@transparent thanks, I thought there would be something. It would be easiest for each electricity supplier to be told to give the £200 to all of th...

2 years ago
RE: Advice needed: Hybrid System. ASHP not reaching flow temps

There is a setting on the Ecodan FTC to limit flow temp. I know because I lowered mine a few days ago. It's in the maintenance menu, Operation Settin...

2 years ago
RE: New £200 payment for customers off the gas grid

Don't know really. Ask these people? Or is there a central meter database? Maybe @transparent might know?

2 years ago
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