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How would you rate the design, installation and efficiency of your heat pump system? Poll is created on Nov 06, 2022


[Sticky] Rate the quality of your heat pump design and installation

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@william1066 after installing our first Mixergy a few years back, I was unimpressed.

Since then we have installed/converted older invented cylinders to plate loaded with heat pumps. Including my own.

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@timatheronwood sounds undersized, or short of refrigerant. Or could be poor design. Most of the Daikin engineers don't really know about heating design. I should know I used to work for Daikin.

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Hey all, a big thank you to all you kind forum-ers who offered advice during choosing/pre-install of our baby 8k Midea last year.

It has been running for a full year now.

HW set at 45deg (65 weekly immersion boost) and weather comp at 41-25.

It handled the -7C temps with aplomb and, most importantly, helped contribute to a satisfying 70% reduction in our energy use. We are an electric-only house (econ10) & used 5600kW total.

Recently had small solar install, that is helping too (maybe 15-20%?). No battery tho.

Quick Q to people who have solar - is there any reason you wouldn't have a smart meter? We don't have one yet &, as we don't have batteries, would probably be interested in getting a little back from the SEG.


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Posted by: @ianjrw

Hey all, a big thank you to all you kind forum-ers who offered advice during choosing/pre-install of our baby 8k Midea last year.

It has been running for a full year now.

HW set at 45deg (65 weekly immersion boost) and weather comp at 41-25.

It handled the -7C temps with aplomb and, most importantly, helped contribute to a satisfying 70% reduction in our energy use. We are an electric-only house (econ10) & used 5600kW total.

Recently had small solar install, that is helping too (maybe 15-20%?). No battery tho.

Quick Q to people who have solar - is there any reason you wouldn't have a smart meter? We don't have one yet &, as we don't have batteries, would probably be interested in getting a little back from the SEG.


Do you have a power diverter to help produce hot water from your solar PV?


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@derek-m Hey Derek! Hope well. No 'fraid not diverter. I currently ensure water is only heated either when (i) sun is out or (ii) econ10 cheap rate has kicked in or, happy days, combo of both. Unlikely to modify system in near future cos finance.

Just wondering if anyone had fear of smart meters re some unscrupulous energy supplier control I'd not thought of or other tech issue?

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Posted by: @ianjrw

@derek-m Hey Derek! Hope well. No 'fraid not diverter. I currently ensure water is only heated either when (i) sun is out or (ii) econ10 cheap rate has kicked in or, happy days, combo of both. Unlikely to modify system in near future cos finance.

Just wondering if anyone had fear of smart meters re some unscrupulous energy supplier control I'd not thought of or other tech issue?

I don't think that you need to fear Smart Meters. We have had one for quite some time and it makes monitoring your energy usage much easier. Your energy provider cannot switch any of your appliances on or off.

If my understanding is correct, the system does have the capability of 'load shedding' if the grid is in dire straights, by switching off suitable appliances within your home that possess this capability. I have seen various heat pump manuals that refer to this capability, but it has the be enabled within the heat pump controller for it to actually be used.

I suppose in the future, we could have the situation where consumers are rewarded for allowing the grid control to switch off their heat pump, fridge and/or freezer, and EV charger, during peak demand periods. Obviously, this would need to be done on a voluntary basis and to cause very limited affect if any to the consumer.

I suppose people need to decide which they prefer, having their freezer switched off for a short period of time on certain days, which they probably won't even notice, or experiencing a complete power cut, which I suspect that they will notice. 🙄 



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@derek-m ta for insight Derek. That info plus grumpiness that profit dudes benefit from my excess creation plus tiny bit of SEG point me to getting Ovo to install. Cheers.

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I’m unable to rate my heat pump as the installer has failed to turn up today, as contracted. I had no advance notice and, after ringing got this email ‘We are running behind on our install programme, you should have been informed of this last week…’. There is little more except ‘we will get back to you’. 

The boiler upgrade grant expires next Tuesday so I’ve told them they are in breach of contract and to refund all monies paid. The story will no doubt continue…

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@davesoa, the lack of reliability amongst installers can be extremely frustrating. How long have you waited for the installation, and who's the installer?

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Very frustrating. I agreed the quote on 18th January and paid the deposit (and the other agreed stage payment last month). Was given the install date on 8th March and no further info until I rang this morning, although emails had been exchanged about fuse sizes, etc. The company is https://opc-ltd.uk/

I have an appointment booked with a solicitor on Thursday to discuss my position.

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I am pretty sure this is the company I had to fire to get my heat pump installed by another installer. They were the LA grant peoples' 'preferred installer' and yet they made an absolute hash of it. Months of incompetence and delays and excuses. It's amazing they are still in business.

Midea 14kW (for now...) ASHP heating both building and DHW

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It’s so difficult isn’t it? I got three quotes, spoke to five companies (and the local Viessman supplier couldn’t even be bothered to reply) asked all the questions you should and look what happens…

On the other hand my very local PV/EV charger/battery supplier has been brilliant. Did what they said they would, when they said they’d do it and did it properly. 

I’m very much hoping my solicitor agrees with me that it’s breach of contract. 


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