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Measuring your COP

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@morgan It is easy to install, you just plug it in and change 1 dips switch, alter the controller setting, and it works, the instructions are quite good. If you want it to work you can do it later, but tell the installer to run the system on whether compensation, not a thermostat.

Director at Heacol Consultants ltd

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If you can get the controller to a central point, it has a sensor in it and will work as the internal thermostat.

Director at Heacol Consultants ltd

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@heacol if it requires an electrical connection, trust me, it’s beyond my capability.

Controller to a ‘central point’?

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@morgan Just 2 wires, and it is only 5 volts, so it will not give you a shock!!!

Director at Heacol Consultants ltd

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@heacol   I’ve destroyed the functionality of electric products before now.  Myself and lectrickery are not allies.

Retrofitted 11.2kw Mitsubishi Ecodan to new radiators commissioned November 2021.
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@morgan 🤣 🤣 🤣 

Director at Heacol Consultants ltd

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Posted by: @heacol

@morgan  Lots of them on Ebay

@heacol. Just delivered in plenty of time for install starting on Monday. 🤞

Retrofitted 11.2kw Mitsubishi Ecodan to new radiators commissioned November 2021.
14 x 500w Monocrystalline solar panels.

2 ESS Smile G3 10.1 batteries.
ESS Smile G3 5kw inverter.

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I am now looking at this Pi based system -

I will probably use the emonPI system and I can also use the same Pi system to control my battery charging too. Anyone had any experience with these systems?

12kW Midea ASHP - 8.4kw solar - 29kWh batteries
262m2 house in Hampshire
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My Grant heat pump has a COP rating printed on it (for specific air and water temperatures) but I want to know what COP I'm actually achieving. (say a daily figure)

I know from the electricity meter how much energy it is using but have no idea how much heat it it producing. I asked Grant if there was a value I can read off the control panel - but they said not (why not?)

Many on this site quote their achieved COP ratings and I wonder how. Do some makes provide the heat output figure or is it more complicated than that?



Grant Aerona HPID10 10kWh ASHP


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@mike-patrick, that is very strange that your control panel doesn't have that kind of information. Most ASHPs now give you data on how much heat you've generated and how electricity you've consumed. Which Grant model do you have?

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@editor I have the Aerona HPID10 10kWh.



Grant Aerona HPID10 10kWh ASHP

Graham Hendra
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tbh all the readings you get from the units themselves are soewhat dubious, they do things like forget to measure the fan and pcb power etc


if you want to measure the cop properly get a sontek heat meter DMS sell them, put in the water to measure real flow rate and delta t and an electri meter to measure the power in. it works perfectley and is 100% accurate.


ive run one like this for a few years at home. 

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