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Is this a bad installation and is there something wrong with my Samsung heat pump?

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There is a useful bit of information for buffer tanks 

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IMG 2478

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@kenbone Thanks Ken, that is really helpful.

With some trepidation, could I point out an inconsistency in your guide? On page 12 FSV 2091 External Thermostat Application is set to NOT USE. However on page 17  - Starting the unit in heating mode - it says 'the display will change to set 0.0c the pump will start within 3 minutes' and there is a photo of the wired remote controller with the Offset setting on 0.0C.



On my Samsung, this view is only present if you are using an external thermostat. It should show the adjustable setting for desired room temperature instead.


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@toodles Yes, there should be - there is the required 600mm distance from the wall.

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@mike-h akl depends if your using the controller as a room thermostat or just on weather compensation, which it can be both.

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Is this buffer tank ok, it looks like it’s imploded a bit. Looked at others and they are all flat, it’s cupped but not evenly so as you can see from the water. It blew out two bleeders in November shortly after installation and sprayed the whole area. Told it was ok then but I don’t think so.


installer out today to do the pipes but they are so bad it’s a rip out. They can’t test anything like gas, flow pressures or diagnose faults yet sign off a 7 year samsung warranty.  They do a remote course on a laptop, geez. Obviously no commission. 

IMG 2542
IMG 2544
IMG 1150


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@david999 Ive just seen these photos, now I need to bring back up my breakfast. 

I would be throwing the book at these guys.

MCS RECC what are you doing !!!!!!!!!!

I feel so sorry for you, IMO I would rip it all out and be getting a decent crew in to install the system correctly, no wonder heat pumps have such a bad name among the public.

The boiler and the gas industry loves all this, it feeds their narrative that heat pumps are not for the UK market.

This post was modified 11 months ago by Mars

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Posted by: @david999

@editor no it’s craig from atlas service solutions glasgow, the only ones up here apparently.

Has Craig visited you yet?


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@editor going to be Monday coming, Craig is unavailable until then.  Spoke with the installer and gave them sight of the commission sheets from samsung. They have their own sheets so be interesting to see what they look like.  The buffer tank has holes around the centre lid and I’m told the tank is inside there so thinking that this outer casing has not vented and its warping. At least the new team thats come out admit it’s a mess. 


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Thanks for photos @david999
Can we have some clarifications please?

  1. What is the blue wire with a blue arrow pointing at it?
  2. What is the object on the side of the tank, green arrow?
  3. Is the blue knob (yellow arrow) a pressure release valve? Connected to what?
  4. Are there two tanks/cylinders sited on the base board? Board made of what? Total tank capacity of how many litres?
  5. Is the pump at lower-left corner supported on the vertical piece of 75x50mm sawn timber? What's that upright fixed to?
  6. Is the base board supported on joists? What dimension are they, and what's the span between their load-bearing supports (walls?)?
  7. I've put a red, circled M on two white plastic pattress boxes. Do these both contain 240v mains wires?


A: There are three pumps in the photo.
Do you know what all three do?

B: The pipe insulation isn't correctly applied.
It shouldn't be crushed by nylon tie-wraps.
The correct method is either to use tape or (contact) glue to hold the joins together.
See the video from NMC, who manufacture Climaflex.

This post was modified 11 months ago by Transparent

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Posted by: @kenbone

MCS RECC what are you doing !!!!!!!!!!

I don't like the tenor of the RECC documents.

When I read them, two thoughts come to mind:

1: Why is this phrased like legal jargon?
It feels like RECC is trying to apportion blame/responsibility on a particular party.

2: Is this approach more likely to assist an installer in achieving a satisfactory outcome?

@editor when time permits, I think we need a separate topic on this issue.
It's DESNZ who are funding MCS & RECC using our taxes. But they're not hitting the required target of getting higher quality installations.
There's going to be a new Secretary of State by the end of this year. Perhaps 'we' should get prepared to suggest a better strategy for such documentation.

The Approved Documents for Building Regs are heaps easier to read & understand.
But even they were better in the earlier versions, which contained lots more diagrams to illustrate good practice.

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