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166 kWhs
Joined: Apr 6, 2021
Last seen: Aug 25, 2023
Topics: 3 / Replies: 53
RE: Antifreeze protection

An alternative approach to using glycol is to use anti-freeze valves. Basically you put these at the lowest point of the ASHP outdoor circuit, and th...

3 years ago
RE: Chilled Water AC System

You will probably need to talk to distributors, since they aren't typically a part stocked in everyone plumbing warehouse. Orion Air Sales have the F...

3 years ago
RE: Grant Aerona 3 16kW ASHP in 100 year old cottage

The way Grant do it, they have a traditional heating thermostat (like a boiler) to provide 'heat please' and 'hot water please' inputs to the heat pum...

3 years ago
RE: What criteria would you rate an energy provider on?

At the end of the day it's all about tariffs. Might not be the cheapest, but a tariff to suit your use case - eg cheap EV charging overnight. Obviou...

3 years ago
RE: Anyone want to share costs on batteries?

Sofar has bigger units than the 3kW version, or you can double up. But 16A per phase (ie 3kW single phase) is the limit of the UK G98 certification, b...

3 years ago
RE: Anyone want to share costs on batteries?

The folks over at are getting quotes for $1300-1800 (delivered, variously to US, EU, etc) for ~10kWh of LiFePO4 cells from China, de...

3 years ago
RE: Smart TRV’s in Cabinets?

I'm not aware of smart TRVs with external temp sensors, but one possibly useful thing is that UFH setups typically have the valve and the temperature ...

3 years ago
RE: Chilled Water AC System

I think what you're talking about are Fan Coil Units or FCUs. They're basically a pipe with metal fins to transfer the heat, with a fan to blow air t...

3 years ago
RE: What is this and what does it do?

I'm not sure that difference is 'set', but it's essentially the properties of your heat emitters (radiators, UFH etc) and water cylinder. For exampl...

3 years ago
RE: Hybrid oil and ashp experiences please

Oops, missed the edit window. It's section 8.4 on page 120 (External Heat Source) not 8.3 (electric backup heater) - it appears you can have both and ...

3 years ago
RE: Hybrid oil and ashp experiences please

For Grant the heatpumps are made by Chofu who provide a much more detailed manual. See section 8.3, page 111 onwards: In particular, 8.3.2 describe...

3 years ago
RE: Media bias towards to air source heat pumps

The interviewer sounds like she wants to be Jeremy Paxman, interrupting and not letting the interviewees speak. But that seems to be her style - list...

3 years ago
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