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Joined: Mar 5, 2021
Last seen: Dec 4, 2021
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RE: Air source heat pump performance

Personally for me, I don't see how ASHPs can be the future at the moment - whilst I understand the environmental benefits, I don't really understand h...

4 years ago
RE: Air source heat pump performance

@jet hi, I totally get your frustration. Whilst I am no expert, there are some very knowledgeable people in this forum who will be able to offer suppo...

4 years ago
RE: Air source heat pump performance

@derek-m thanks! I've made amendments to when I heat the hot water, trying to utilise the solar energy. I think the challenge is likely always going t...

4 years ago
RE: Air source heat pump performance

@julianc thanks I will check this out - not sure if this effects me feeding into the grid. I assume I'd still be allowed to get a diverter, maybe I'd ...

4 years ago
RE: Air source heat pump performance

@editor cheers Mars. Yeah we noticed we ran out of hot water with just two schedules, I added a third schedule yesterday so we will see how we get on....

4 years ago
RE: Air source heat pump performance

@julianc thanks! Yes heating the hot water has been a bit of trial and error for us. Previously it had been set to heat to 50 degrees 24/7. An enginee...

4 years ago
RE: Air source heat pump performance

One of the other changes that we have made recently to our set up changing the 'when' we heat hot water. Rather than heating it 24/7 the engineer chan...

4 years ago
RE: Air source heat pump performance

Thanks @derek-m That's a really good point - we set it 5am-7am as that's when the engineer suggested. He said 5am-7am and midday-2pm. Maybe I should...

4 years ago
RE: Air source heat pump performance

So interesting development in our running costs. As I've said before, I really struggle with how ASHPs are the future given the high running costs....

4 years ago
RE: Sizing of heat pumps

Hi guys, Just wondering if someone could give me their thoughts on if our ASHP is the right size. Our house is ~129.5 square meters, I’ve seen a f...

4 years ago
RE: Say hello and introduce yourself

This is a great idea Mars! We recently moved into a property in the countryside that is single energy, i.e. just electric. It has an ASHP and solar pa...

4 years ago
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