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MelCloud Outage

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What do I need to do to get my app to communicate with my system again? I'm not on site. 

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Hopefully nothing. Once Melcloud is restored it "should" reconnect auto-magically.

Those of us that tried to reset the wifi connection before we realised that it was in fact Melcloud that was down may have to redo the setup.

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No luck with my app this morning, same as it has been since 18th.  The recorded message on the helpline is still there so I guess not resolved. 

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All data back since 8pm last night for me

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If I try to send a command the app says system offline. I really don't want to drive 100 miles to check. 

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Mine came back on yesterday. It is not clear at what time.
If it is any use to anyone there is a flag that gets dumped with one of the scripts that I use  which now shows

'Offline': False
This had 
'Offline': True      when the Mitsubishi servers were offline.
Although the servers were down, it was still possible to get this info along with weather information etc. So  there must be separate servers that deal with heating control.
I wonder if anyone has any documentation on the parameters dumped from Melcloud?


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Thanks @eggnchips. When people are saying that things "came back on" I'm unclear what that means.  I only have the app to work with because my system is at a remote location. As you have hinted perhaps the app may be reporting offline incorrectly. 

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@chivers I don't know about other heat pumps other than Mitsubishi (M) but M have servers in the cloud that the heat pump continually sends data to. M said the servers went down and they only came back on line yesterday. You can control your M heat pump remotely but it needs the servers to be working for this to happen.
I was just pointing out that it may be possible to monitor if my heat pump has a connection to the cloud or not.

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@chivers When I said the system is back online, I meant that we are receiving data from the Melcloud API. We are not using the app, so unsure what the app is doing. In theory, the app should be working when we receive data from the API.

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Thanks @hcas the app is still not connecting so I have to assume relevant server not yet restored. I've tried reset WiFi interface but that's not possible either, I guess for the same reason. 

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Still nowt here. (popcorn!)

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@abernyte is it back?

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