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Any installer recommendations for Samsung ASHP?

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Posted by: @leah-robson

@majordennisbloodnok I can assure you we've come a long way since 2020 when we were a company of 2 Directors and 1 installer.  We now have a team of 12 including enough back office staff to deal with enquiries a lot more swiftly.  I can't promise we always get it 100% right, but your experience with us would be very different now.

It is, perhaps, ironic that everything you did right has rather amplified the lapse, @leah-robson.

I will freely admit that the lack of response was intensely frustrating and all the more so because my wife and I felt we had found a company that was was walking the walk over and above the sales spiel we'd heard several times before. We had a couple of other companies we approached who didn't respond either but since they came across as "all mouth and trousers" we didn't really give them a second thought.

I stand by my decision to highlight what @editor called the "blip" since it is pertinent to @jelockwood's ability to make choices. However, I would also refer back to my previous post where I said

Posted by: @majordennisbloodnok

Nonetheless, I didn't then and still don't now have any concerns with their technical knowledge.

Businesses should be held accountable for what they do but that should also include anything positive they do otherwise there's no incentive to improve. If you've improved your admin and logistics I would be delighted.



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@leah-robson I hope you have come a long way since then Leah, I contacted you in 2022 and we got as far as discussing the access to fit the Sunamp unit upstairs; I sent photos and further details and then never heard another word from you which was a shame. I had heard about your company and your equal opportunities ethos etc., and really wanted to give you the best chance. Regards, Toodles.

Toodles, he heats his home with cold draughts and cooks his food with magnets.

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I'm really sorry that we let you down. Growing a business is difficult and we don't always get everything right. However, we are now in a much more stable position with a good level of engineer and back office staff. 

Director at Your Energy Your Way.

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@leah-robson 😊 Toodles

Toodles, he heats his home with cold draughts and cooks his food with magnets.

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I'd like to add that despite a few overlooked quotes, Your Energy Your Way has built a solid reputation among reputable installers for providing high-quality installations. It's also encouraging to see that they've expanded their team with additional backroom staff to handle the preparation of estimates and proposals more efficiently. This is particularly beneficial as these tasks are notably time-consuming, given the extensive MCS requirements they must adhere to from an administrative perspective. 

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@editor Yes! A necessary evil I suppose. Regards, Toodles.

Toodles, he heats his home with cold draughts and cooks his food with magnets.


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Great team they have there, I can certainly recommend for them.

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