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12kW Samsung gen 6 short cycling

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Hi Craig,

Have a look at page 34 onwards which details some test you could carryout on the outdoor unit, should you feel confident. The manual is for a 9kW unit, but I suspect the electronics will be the same.


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Hi Craig,

I think that this manual covers your model, and seems to show the same tests on page 40 onwards.

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These might be beyond me to be honest. 

Although I can't see what results they would show. As in, I don't see where they might show the results. 


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Posted by: @craig1980

These might be beyond me to be honest. 

Although I can't see what results they would show. As in, I don't see where they might show the results. 

You monitor the results on the four 7-segment displays in the bottom left hand section of the circuit board. Pressing the K4 switch repeatedly will take you through the various parameters as shown in the table.

Monitoring each parameter in turn whilst the system is running may provide some useful information.

Obviously only carry out this test if you feel comfortable to do so.


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Posted by: @craig1980

I'll update if I find anything from Samsung.

Please ensure that Samsung know about this topic on the RHH Forum, currently over 200 posts and 1442 'views'. There will readers here who do not yet have a HP (like myself) and we will be interested to hear

  • how the manufacturer responds
  • whether there is a faulty component within the installation, or if the way that it's been implemented is flawed

@craig1980 you may be feeling like 'just another customer', but your posts here greatly amplify your voice.

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Posted by: @transparent

Posted by: @craig1980

I'll update if I find anything from Samsung.

Please ensure that Samsung know about this topic on the RHH Forum, currently over 200 posts and 1442 'views'. There will readers here who do not yet have a HP (like myself) and we will be interested to hear

  • how the manufacturer responds
  • whether there is a faulty component within the installation, or if the way that it's been implemented is flawed

@craig1980 you may be feeling like 'just another customer', but your posts here greatly amplify your voice.

You may also wish to take a night school course in 'Samsung speak' before considering one of their systems. 😎 


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A quick update on my system. 

I'm running at a COP of around 3.3-3.4 at around 3 degrees outside temp including water heating for an hour at midnight. I'm still messing with settings so hopefully this will increase. Once the cold weather arrives the COP definitely drops. 

LWT at around 28-29 degrees and WC is on. 

Derek got to the bottom of the issue. I was running the WC settings incorrectly. There are 3 options which run the pump in different ways whilst WC is on and one of those tells the pumps to turn off after 7 mins then back on. That's why it was short cycling. 

I still need to contact Samsung and I'll let them know about this thread. My Teva out sensor is showing -50 so I may need a new sensor there. I've checked the outside heat pump and it is all plugged in properly. I'll reply on here with any updates. 

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Posted by: @craig1980

A quick update on my system. 

I'm running at a COP of around 3.3-3.4 at around 3 degrees outside temp including water heating for an hour at midnight. I'm still messing with settings so hopefully this will increase. Once the cold weather arrives the COP definitely drops. 

LWT at around 28-29 degrees and WC is on. 

Derek got to the bottom of the issue. I was running the WC settings incorrectly. There are 3 options which run the pump in different ways whilst WC is on and one of those tells the pumps to turn off after 7 mins then back on. That's why it was short cycling. 

I still need to contact Samsung and I'll let them know about this thread. My Teva out sensor is showing -50 so I may need a new sensor there. I've checked the outside heat pump and it is all plugged in properly. I'll reply on here with any updates. 

Glad you got it sorted; it took a bit of persistence (and help from Derek)


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@kev-m it did indeed. It really shouldn't be this difficult. 


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Posted by: @craig1980

A quick update on my system. 

I'm running at a COP of around 3.3-3.4 at around 3 degrees outside temp including water heating for an hour at midnight. I'm still messing with settings so hopefully this will increase. Once the cold weather arrives the COP definitely drops. 

LWT at around 28-29 degrees and WC is on. 

Derek got to the bottom of the issue. I was running the WC settings incorrectly. There are 3 options which run the pump in different ways whilst WC is on and one of those tells the pumps to turn off after 7 mins then back on. That's why it was short cycling. 

I still need to contact Samsung and I'll let them know about this thread. My Teva out sensor is showing -50 so I may need a new sensor there. I've checked the outside heat pump and it is all plugged in properly. I'll reply on here with any updates. 

Hi Craig, Can you clarify which settings for 2092 and 2093 you were originally using and what you have changed them to? 2092 setting 1 means that the compressor can only be turned off by the thermostat. Settings 2-4 mean that the compressor can be turned off by the thermostat or by the 'WL discharged water temperature'. I am not sure where that is measured - is it leaving water temp or returning water temp? The differences between settings 2-4 are purely the length of time the water pump is on or off for if the compressor has been stopped by the WL discharged water temperature. I presume this is the primary pump.

My Teva out sensor is also showing -50, so this may be normal or we both have faults! Do you know what all these different temperatures refer to? The only one I am sure off is the DHW Tank temperature. I thought it would be the actual tank temperature, but it is actually the pre-set temperature that the heat pump should heat the DHW to.

IMG 1221



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I was on what I believe is value #4. The one that says pump 3. This was giving the affect of short cycling. I'm listening by the UVC not the outside unit so my timings may be off as I was just basing it off of the noise of the water pumps. I'm not sure what tells it to turn off. 

PHE In and out are flow temps in and out. Not sure what relevance the Teva temps have to the system but interesting that yours has -50 too. 


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Posted by: @craig1980

I was on what I believe is value #4. The one that says pump 3. This was giving the affect of short cycling. I'm listening by the UVC not the outside unit so my timings may be off as I was just basing it off of the noise of the water pumps. I'm not sure what tells it to turn off. 

PHE In and out are flow temps in and out. Not sure what relevance the Teva temps have to the system but interesting that yours has -50 too. 


Looking at the schematic on page 13 of the attached manual, the Teva_in reading would appear to be from sensor T/S#5. There would appear to be no temperature sensor at the Evaporator outlet, which may answer the question why you are both getting a displayed reading of -50C.

I wonder if Samsung have just used the software developed for an AC Unit, that may have had a Teva_out sensor, without correcting the software. If that is the case then it is not very professional. 🙄 


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