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[Sticky] Renewables & Heat Pumps in the News

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@lucia Octopus / Heat Geek seem to be making great strides at the moment; I imagine that this move should bolster confidence in many people going through the survey stage to have a heat pump fitted should they have been teetering on the fence. Octopus seem to have reduced the cost to affordable levels for a lot more people than say would have been the case a year ago. Are the waiting lists going to extend and extend I wonder? Regards, Toodles.

Toodles, 76 years young and hoping to see 100 and make some ROI on my renewable energy investment!

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Posted by: @lucia

Octopus has just announced they've partnered up with Heat Geek  for ASHP installations...

I wonder if customers get the Heat Geek guarantee? 🤔

I would think so. It sounds like Octopus are just making an introduction, so I'm guessing customers just get quoted the same as if the customer came through the HG website. It will be interesting to see if this works. In my case, Octopus quoted £500 and HG quoted £10,500 (both net of BUS). I doubt many people who are lured in by Octopus's pricing will pay an extra £10k when Octopus turn them down.


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