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Boiler tax set to be scrapped by the Energy Secretary

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Eliminating the very policies designed to achieve a set goal will inevitably lead to failure in meeting that goal. It would be a significant error in my opinion for the UK to dismantle a crucial element of its policy for promoting clean heating.

As usual, votes, money and everything else trumps the environment.

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some boiler company's lobbyists will be rubbing their hands with glee. they even managed to get it called a "tax" when it isn't (wasn't). I can't find a bang-head-against-wall emoji in the emoji list for this forum......


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Should we expect any better? They're a government weathervane.


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Another press release today on the website talks about the government mulling over withdrawing financial support for heat pumps.

In addition to (presumably) ditching the Boiler Upgrade Scheme would the government also have the power to withdraw from honouring any outstanding RHI payments previously granted for existing heat pumps?

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An awful lot more joined up thinking is needed around financials to make them fit for purpose, affordable and scaleable.

The boiler upgrade scheme isn't targeted enough so many will get picked up by millionaires or people who could afford the heat pump with the lower original scheme grant.

The tax on gas boilers is too low to make a difference in sales and will simply increase inflation.

I don't have the answers, but am pretty sure these are not the right incentives in my humble opinion. They also are not scaleable.

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Posted by: @skd

In addition to (presumably) ditching the Boiler Upgrade Scheme would the government also have the power to withdraw from honouring any outstanding RHI payments previously granted for existing heat pumps?

Not without changing the legislation that put a legal duty on Ofgem to make those repayments.

Even if they could get it through, amid all the bad press they'd probably get for bait-and-switch, meddling with a supposedly cast-iron legal repayment duty would probably scare bigger government investors and make Trussonomics look like an accounting typo.

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