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Joined: Feb 13, 2022
Last seen: May 24, 2024
Topics: 1 / Replies: 54
RE: Credit Card Payment – Section 75 – for heat pump installations

our solar schene IBG had a £100 excess, as I recall. I considered using that for our solar claim but Section 75 thankfully paid in full.

4 months ago
RE: Credit Card Payment - Section 75

My experience to date has been that many installers in residential renewables won't accept credit cards. Luckily our first solar installer did, as t...

4 months ago
RE: Assessing Heatmiser Neostat Accuracy: How and Why to Calibrate Them

Same for us. Our Ecodan now runs on WC with all emitters fully open. Neostats are now used for monitoring only.

4 months ago
RE: Electricity use for heat pumps - comparing homes and consumption

@glpinxit Thanks for this - really useful. We have the Ecodan cylinder with LLH with two emitter zones. I'm currently monitoring flow temperatures a...

5 months ago
RE: Electricity use for heat pumps - comparing homes and consumption

@glpinxit Thanks for all this info. It's much appreciated. With hindsight I wish I had specified a dedicated HP consumption meter. Using my pre-AS...

5 months ago
RE: Electricity use for heat pumps - comparing homes and consumption

many thanks for sharing this. That's an excellent improvement that you've achieved with your adjustments. Is your Ecodan controller an FTC6? How ha...

5 months ago
RE: Heat pumps and home insurance. Are you insured?

Mars, I do recall asking about this at renewal. I've just gone back and checked the policy wording again and there is one related exclusion, for loss...

5 months ago
RE: Ecodan - optimal external installation?

@sunandair hi, it's the current PUZ R32 range. There's a diagram in the Mitsubishi Ecodan Databook. I've attached a screenshot (see top left corner)

6 months ago
RE: Ecodan - optimal external installation?

Yes that's right. I remember reading about this when we were ordering ours. The 5kW has a smaller enclosure than the 6, 8.5 and 11.2kW versions. Our...

6 months ago
RE: Ecodan ASHP - How to optimise my set up?

@rhh2348 yes, the compressor symbol on the main screen will include a moon icon whenever either of the Quiet Mode settings is selected. I know what ...

6 months ago
RE: Ecodan - optimal external installation?

@derek-m it's 140mm. Mitsubishi recommends minimum 100mm for the Ecodan R32.

6 months ago
RE: Ecodan - optimal external installation?

Thank you - do you have a link to the pads you used / are you happy with that setup/would you do it again? [/quote] 1 black bar (Level 2 Quiet M...

6 months ago
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