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1941 kWhs
Joined: Feb 23, 2022
Last seen: Mar 18, 2024
Topics: 2 / Replies: 302
RE: Electricity use for heat pumps - comparing homes and consumption

How old's your home? 2023 Nov 608, Dec 690; 2024 Jan 886, Feb 564 100% electric 1990ish home, 8.5kW Mitsubishi Ecodan, 4 bed semi (128 m² IIRC), i...

4 months ago
RE: Getting Heated: Podcast for Homeowners on Renewables & Heat Pumps

The video seems to be stuck on some sort of title slide.

4 months ago
RE: Retrofitting UFH with a heat pump already installed

Are you having the floors up anyway? We considered adding underfloor during a kitchen refurb but chickened out because we weren't sure what state the ...

4 months ago
RE: Is your heat pump insured?

Privilege don't seem to exclude the heat pump from the Buildings theft cover, unless it's nicked by a tenant or guest (which is an exclusion to all th...

4 months ago
RE: Slash Your Heat Pump Bills Overnight

I suspect there will always be a peak time for domestic heating need which will always result in some peak/off-peak differential worth reflecting in a...

6 months ago
RE: Forum updates, announcements & issues

Chrome is far from trustworthy. Just look at some of the stunts Google have pulled with it and some they are accused of still pulling. It just has a s...

6 months ago
RE: Forum updates, announcements & issues

No but we used to. The last messages I saw before it stopped were about the site having problems and crashing, so I thought the empty emails meant the...

6 months ago
RE: Slash Your Heat Pump Bills Overnight

Isn't cost on a time-of-use tariff now partly a representation of how renewable the electricity is at that time? Being more efficient but using more e...

6 months ago
RE: Forum updates, announcements & issues

@editor mine look like the two @Transparent posted, now ending with the bar, without the text of the post. Do yours contain the text of the post?

6 months ago
RE: Open Energy Monitor

Yes. I'm running it on an old Pi I had here, not their monitoring kit (as I've sensors already). It started off monitoring my MELCloud stats and using...

6 months ago
RE: Forum updates, announcements & issues

Are you sure? Neither of those seem to contain any text from the body of the post. Nope, that's different, although this site only works from one...

6 months ago
RE: ASHP noise complaints from my neighbour – what can I do?

Oh don't worry: they don't even do that properly. The chance of getting MCS is act seems about the same as winning the Euromillions lottery. ...

6 months ago
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