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93 kWhs
Joined: Oct 19, 2021
Last seen: Dec 1, 2022
Topics: 2 / Replies: 95
RE: Air source heat pump performance

@heacol Should this offer been directed at @batalto who initially asked the question about changing the system? @kev-m already has an unbuffered sys...

3 years ago
RE: Air source heat pump performance

You need to get the MMSP fixed as it's the COP we are interested in.

3 years ago
RE: Disappearing hot water.

This is exactly what had happened to my system. I had been running with a 50º flow temp and 50º DHW so the fault wasn't noticeable until I reduced the...

3 years ago
RE: Air source heat pump performance

I certainly would also be interested in having my current buffered system adapted. With MMSP installed we could easily see the difference and end up w...

3 years ago
RE: Air source heat pump performance

I dreamt I had 10 ASHPs installed last night. Just saying! 🤪 I'm assuming @heacol is the only installer we have on the forum at the moment. It does...

3 years ago
RE: Fine tuning your ASHP performance

The higher COP did deliver more heat yes you are correct. Given that and thinking about it, selecting individual days that had the same outside temp...

3 years ago
RE: Air source heat pump performance

I might be dropping a fly in the ointment here but as I understand it, Mitsubishi weather compensation uses external and internal temperature sensors,...

3 years ago
RE: Fine tuning your ASHP performance

The house was equally warm, maintaining 22º for both 50º and 35º flow. I've photoshopped the screenshots together to make them more readable. I di...

3 years ago
RE: Fine tuning your ASHP performance

Although only a 1 day snapshot this is interesting (not in a logical way though). If we ignore the orange DHW usage as this was caused by a faulty v...

3 years ago
RE: Fine tuning your ASHP performance

Thanks Derek, I have been collecting data for the last 4 weeks, changing one setting each week. So I'd like to collect this weeks data as a comparison...

3 years ago
RE: Using Annual Gas Consumption to understand what an ASHP may consume in electricity

? all 3 of my quotes included this as an option. Would be interesting to ask them why not.

3 years ago
RE: Fine tuning your ASHP performance

This is looking very exciting 😆 . I'll wait until tomorrow to get a full days worth of data and then share a comparison with a previous days performan...

3 years ago
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