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Kev M
Famed Member
5606 kWhs
Joined: Mar 5, 2021
Last seen: Jan 8, 2025
Topics: 10 / Replies: 1266
RE: A2A as an interim ASHP measure

I have heard you have to be careful with cooling as a lot of condensation can be produced on the cold pipework. Also, doesn't your ASHP cease to be p...

2 years ago
RE: Heat Pump Truth or Myth#2 - Cycling uses a lot of power and ruins your COP

Of course I haven’t proved or disproved anything with such an unscientific experiment. I think what I have done is show that when my heat pump has 15...

2 years ago
RE: Heat Pump Truth or Myth#2 - Cycling uses a lot of power and ruins your COP

There are peaks but they are small and narrow. They are not using a lot of energy. I didn't say cycling wasn't less efficient; my point is that while...

2 years ago
RE: Clarification needed for Ecodan ASHP settings

Your curve looks fine if it works for you. You can change the flow temp settings; it's in Operation Settings - Heating Operation - Flow Temp Range. ...

2 years ago
RE: Daikin Altherma LT R32 - poor SCOP and breaking heat exchangers!

@rgledhill, what temperature is your DHW set at? Your DHW COP is a bit low but not disastrously so and could be explained by a high-ish DHW temp. I...

2 years ago
RE: Forum updates, announcements & issues

Same to you Mars and thank you for all your hard work.

2 years ago
RE: ASHP at cold temperatures

@Huwsy, I don't think the house can react that quickly. The drops in flow temp are only for 10 or 15 minutes. Like I said it pulls the average flow...

2 years ago
RE: ASHP at cold temperatures

@Huwsy, I don't think the house can react that quickly. The drops in flow temp are only for 10 or 15 minutes. Like I said it pulls the average flow...

2 years ago
RE: ASHP at cold temperatures

On my system, defrosts definitely lower the flow temp, both on the monitoring and the rads getting noticeably cooler. Does it make the house cooler? ...

2 years ago
RE: Mitsubishi Ecodan & Raspberry Pi automations

Derek, that's probably quite easy to do because there is plenty of space inside the thermistor box. Could the resistors be put upstream of the screw ...

2 years ago
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