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Kev M
Famed Member
5606 kWhs
Joined: Mar 5, 2021
Last seen: Jan 8, 2025
Topics: 10 / Replies: 1266
RE: February Results and a system update.

The Vaillant range is relatively new and should be at the higher end of COPs out there. However, 5.2 for February might be a tad optimistic given the ...

2 years ago
RE: High temperature ASHP

@Alarch you won't get any ASHP to work like a combi boiler. i.e, deliver instant hot water. You will need a HW cylinder designed for a heat pump. ...

2 years ago
RE: Low Loss Header is losing 1.5c from flow temperature

If you look at the Ecodan databook numbers you can get some idea of the effect on COP of lowering your LWT by 1.5 degrees. It's not going to be a lot...

2 years ago
RE: Mitsubishi Ecodan & Raspberry Pi automations

More than my life's worth!! Anyway, I switched thermo diff adjust off last night so we'll see what happens.

2 years ago
RE: Mitsubishi Ecodan & Raspberry Pi automations

It's hard to tell what's going on. Like you say, where does the 45C come from? The way my AA works, it seems to be limited by the max value but that ...

2 years ago
RE: Low Loss Header is losing 1.5c from flow temperature

From the FTC6 manual. EDIT - 'Average' means conditions in Strasbourg. 'Colder' doesn't seem to be defined. The reference is here for anyone re...

2 years ago
RE: New £200 payment for customers off the gas grid

They might if I had one. Electricity only where we live. For anyone interested, this is how it works. The first attachment (on p8 or thereabouts) ...

2 years ago
RE: New £200 payment for customers off the gas grid

Supplier is British Gas and it was totally unsolicited. They sent me an email today.

2 years ago
RE: New £200 payment for customers off the gas grid

I am officially an alternative fuel user. Received from my supplier today. Will be credited to my electricity account. Told you!! 😉

2 years ago
RE: Electricity price predictions

@Diverted.Energy, Calm down! Maybe you would find it less stressful to spend your time on a different forum where people share your views on renewab...

2 years ago
RE: Vaillant Arotherm yeild and COP readings

@cathoderay, I don't have an easy answer to your oil/ASHP comparison. However, the average house using gas, uses about 12000kWh per year. From wha...

2 years ago
RE: Mitsubishi Ecodan & Raspberry Pi automations

@ajdunlop What Derek said, and this: I'm not sure why you get a spike after setback; if you look at my graph it ramps up the power very progressi...

2 years ago
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