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Kev M
Famed Member
5606 kWhs
Joined: Mar 5, 2021
Last seen: Jan 8, 2025
Topics: 10 / Replies: 1266
RE: Say hello and introduce yourself

Hello @lenny and welcome. It's hard to tell when it's late May but how is it so far? Were you given a walk through, manuals, instructions and so on?

2 years ago
RE: What do we need to know before installing a heat pump?

I agree with you that normal cycling in itself isn't a big problem. IMO the bigger problem with an oversized ASHP (apart from them costing more) is t...

2 years ago
RE: What do we need to know before installing a heat pump?

A typical oversized gas boiler with scalding hot radiators allows the temperature of the house (or parts of it) to be set back so that it is colder fo...

2 years ago
RE: What do we need to know before installing a heat pump?

It was storage heaters and I did have annual consumption. But it was hard to compare the energy used with a modern, controllable system. The heat ra...

2 years ago
RE: What do we need to know before installing a heat pump?

It was storage heaters and I did have annual consumption. But it was hard to compare the energy used with a modern, controllable system. The heat ra...

2 years ago
RE: What do we need to know before installing a heat pump?

Don't forget to add a bit - at least 15% - for defrosts. And hot water. And make sure the manufacturer's 'size' is deliverable when it's actually col...

2 years ago
RE: What do we need to know before installing a heat pump?

I agree. IMO the issue with older housing isn't the wall insulation; loft lagging, windows and doors should fix most and terraced houses are very wel...

2 years ago
RE: Ecodan 11.2 KW Flow Rate

@sunandair, @elab hasn't been seen on the forum since 1st May so I don't think s/he is worthy of any more attention!

2 years ago
RE: What do we need to know before installing a heat pump?

Don't forget that an ASHP will spend 15-20% of its time defrosting when it's cold outside. And you'll still want hot water. 11kW sounds about right....

2 years ago
RE: What do we need to know before installing a heat pump?

At least ASHPs keep running as long as you want them to. Imagine having an ASHP that stopped after using 30kWh and required you to faff around with va...

2 years ago
RE: What do we need to know before installing a heat pump?

An adjustment in the relative prices of electricity and gas would be the most effective way to encourage heat pumps. 2.5 times would help but if elec...

2 years ago
RE: What do we need to know before installing a heat pump?

Because it's being funded by taxpayers. If I'm going to contribute, through my taxes, to delivering a low(er) carbon economy, I want the best bang fo...

2 years ago
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