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Opinions please on me putting a 2.5kW roof mounted turbine on my garage - am I mad?

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I asked AI to analyse their documents and explain to me on this point. 

It says

Retail Value Savings:

  • The electricity generated by your share of the wind farm is credited directly against your electricity bill at the retail rate. This means that if you invest in enough energy to cover 4500 kWh per year, the savings on your bill would reflect the cost of 4500 kWh at the rate you would otherwise be paying to your energy supplier (e.g., 19p per kWh).

2. How It Works:

  • Ripple Energy partners with specific energy suppliers who manage these credits. When the wind farm generates electricity, the equivalent amount is deducted from your bill as if you had consumed it from the grid. You effectively receive the full retail value of the energy you’ve invested in.

3. No Wholesale Rates:

  • Since the credit is applied based on the retail value, there’s no impact from the wholesale market prices. You are benefiting directly from the electricity offset, meaning your savings are calculated at the same rate that you would otherwise pay on your electricity bill.

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2644 kWhs
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I think you have just found that you can’t trust AI.  I’ve been with Ripple for several years since the first wind farm this year the rate is 6.55p per kwh



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1415 kWhs
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@gary thanks Gary.

The share offer document gives an estimated return rate of 6.3% and the calculations provided by the site are also different again from that.

confusing. But even still probably worth it at 6.55p. I’ll sleep on it, I think. 

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