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Reina Colona column radiator experience

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Has anyone used Reina Colona column radiators with low water temperature? They look to be more stylish than Stelrad Compact K3 (at least for a Victorian home), and the 4 column appear to put out more power for a given width and height (e.g. 600mm * 1190mm emits 3101W, whereas the K3 600mm * 1200mm emits 2867W, both at deltaT of 50 degrees). Price-wise they are 20% more on Plumb Nation, and also are slimmer than the Stelrad Compact K3 by 20mm.

I tried to contact the Reina technical support about datasheets and whether they tried deltaT other than 50 degrees, but they did not have a data-sheet or alternative deltaT performance figures, so +1 to Stelrad for more public information. They did believe the radiator should perform well at lower temperatures due to the large surface area and water volume (e.g. nearly 24 litres for the 4 column 600mm * 1190mm).

Perhaps a broader question is whether anyone has had success with old fashioned 3 or 4 column radiators.

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The info I could find had delta T70 (see Stelrad quote at delta T50 (and T30)

Reina’s own website doesn’t say what the delta T is, the spec data is just dimensions.

On the face of it a convector radiator should have much higher performance than these decorative types due to the large convector surface area.

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I wonder if the Reina Colona column rads have a larger directly heated surface area? Looking at the three column version, each section has three water filled and so directly heated columns, whereas a K3 has three panels and passively (indirectly) warmed fins. The design also looks better from a functional perspective, water entry/exit into middle column, on a K3 they go in between the rear and middle panel and I have already mentioned elsewhere that my K3s often have cooler, even cold, front panels. The air flow might also be better, air can also get in from the sides. 



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Thanks. I did wonder why Reina Colona compared well to the Stelrad column radiators (link, 1644W for a 600mm * 1272mm at deltaT of 50C).

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@chickenbig, Stelrad have a massive array of designs. We checked their catalogue out recently, but if I recall correctly they did have some Victorian style rads.

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The other brand that makes some really beautiful rads is called Bique. No idea how good they are.

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