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Plug and play solar. Thoughts?

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Honorable Member Member
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What do you think of these plug-and-play  Balcony Solar panels  ? 

I'm not sure they're legal in the UK but the EU has made a supra national advisory to promote them up to 800 watts. I believe for those with the space - large balcony or fence - you can install more in a sequentially timed set-up with storage. 

They're big in Germany, Netherlands and Spain. I just like the fact that it removes the extremely high installation costs of 'grown-up' solar. But can you do much with 800watts? 

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Looks really expensive to me. For £1200 you can get a 3.6kW kit with 4.3 kW of black panels in the UK. Anyone with the inclination to fit the one you linked to would be able to manage a homebrew setup for much cheaper.

I'm quite tight mind you since I'm Scottish and my grandfather was a Yorkshireman.......It's in the DNA 😀 

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@derekdeleon Looks really expensive to me. For £1200 you can get a 3.6kW kit with 4.3 kW of black panels in the UK. Anyone with the inclination to fit the one you linked to would be able to manage a homebrew setup for much cheaper.

You can buy them cheaper and/or add batteries.  I linked to the Dutch example to show what I mean, technically speaking, but it got missed. 🫣  

It's literally plug-and-play - they go in a normal 3 pin power socket and that is it. That is why they are legally limited to 800 watts. You cannot do that with what you suggested - that's 'normal' solar panels.

I do not have the electrical skills to install my own solar. I cannot afford to pay the installation fees for solar panels and inverters which is more than the kit usually. So they kind of appeal. 

These are designed for flat renters. They can self-install and take them away when they move. A sort of IKEA for solar. They've really taken off in Germany, Spain and the Netherlands where there's a lot of apartments. Belgium has banned them. (The UK is also ok up to 800w I discovered). 

There's no 'energy transition' without considering renters and people with low income. So I thought it was quite a good idea. 

Technical feedback anyone? Useful? Or not? Or what? 

This post was modified 43 minutes ago by Lucia

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@lucia, I think balcony solar panels are cool and for good reason… they offer a relatively low-cost way for people to dip their toes into solar without needing a full rooftop installation. In the UK, though, things are usually a bit more complicated when it comes to legality and grid connection. I bet @transparent knows the answer on whether you need approvals or not. 

As for whether 800W is useful… it depends on expectations. In ideal conditions, 800W could generate about 3-4kWh per day during summer, which is enough to cover things like phone and laptop charging, TVs, WiFi, running a fridge or covering some of your standby loads for a few hours. It won’t power your whole home, but it can trim your grid consumption, especially if you’re home during the day to use the energy directly.

You’re absolutely right about the cost advantage. Traditional solar installations in the UK come with hefty labour, scaffolding and paperwork costs. Balcony systems sidestep all of that. If you’ve got the right space and face the ‘right’ way, it’s a neat solution.

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