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Had a quick glance at the thread thanks. I did think about trying to get HA to do live a CoP value but a quick play with the MelCloud data put an end to that - heat pump usage and delivery metering are just not reported in a useful manner. Apologies if I’ve missed something key from the multi page discussion.

i find HA really useful in logging data so can look back and try to understand what is going on. Also use it to turn off solar EV charging when Powerwall discharges down to a user set level. It also manages my Legionella cycle. HA controls hot water heating by heat pump overnight in winter and during the day in summer when solar is plentiful - easier than messing with Mitsubishi ftc controller. 

The HA Melcloud integration works well although I’ve had to add some backup automations for when the service is down.

HA is great but can be awkward (I’m being polite) to set up. 

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Posted by: @steevjo

HA is great but can be awkward (I’m being polite) to set up. 

Another major problem for me is that HA can and in my experience does corrupt its database. You can, with a lot of hard work, recover the data, but there is no way I know of to get it back into the new/current HA database. Nor do I think regular backups solve the problem. You might get your old data back, but will lose everything from the time of the backup to the current time. 


Midea 14kW (for now...) ASHP heating both building and DHW

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Posted by: @cathoderay

Another major problem for me is that HA can and in my experience does corrupt its database <snip> 

sorry that you’ve had that experience. Fingers crossed it hasn’t happened to me.

I use a max endurance sd card that is supposed to cope with the constant writes it get with HA. Also try and limit database size, currently 85MB, by turning off entities I’m not interested in - definitely an area HA could improve.

Also for me HA is an aggregator, bringing together data from solar, powerwall, Melcloud and more. If there’s a problem in HA the data is there in the source apps. 

freely admit I don’t use HA for anything mission critical but have found it to be a really useful addition to my ‘smart’ home.


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Hello all - and many thanks for the amazing well of information and support on these forums. I'm in the process of planning a complete renovation of a mid-terrace Victorian in London, looking to maximise insulation and airtightness (at least to current building regs), with underfloor heating throughout, ASHP, and MVHR.

I'm still very much in the process of planning the ASHP install, and haven't so far been particularly impressed by the installers I've spoken with. Reading the threads on these forums, now I know why! I realise that no-one is allowed to self-promote on the forums, for very good reason, but is there a thread that I can look to for installer recommendations? The article from @heacol on why direct heating without a buffer tank was incredibly useful, and I'd like to find someone who can design/install/commission a system following those principles in my property.

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Posted by: @ashwinjm

I'd like to find someone who can design/install/commission a system following those principles in my property.

Wouldn't we all !

A substantial amount of the information on this forum has derived from situations where us end-users have got stuck in and found out how to do things for ourselves.
If professionals were competently installing the equipment, then we wouldn't have got the screwdrivers out.

A few of us are self-builders.
We wouldn't hire in an installer if we could do something ourselves better/cheaper.

As I live in (very) rural West Devon, we have very few installers available anyway.
Those that exist will typically have less than 5 employees, and a waiting list of potential customers.
They survive by reputation and recommendation.
To find one, you ask around:

  • pub
  • local councillors
  • school parents' evening
  • sports club


It's more difficult for those of you who live in larger towns and cities.

Your locality also attracts out-of-area companies.
Some will be OK. But others know they can get away with sub-optimal work because a duff-job won't adversely affect future prospects.

Even if self-promotion were permitted on this forum, it wouldn't allow most people to find the local tradesmen they're seeking.


Are you prepared to do any of this work yourself?

If you hired an electrician for re-wiring, would you lift the flooring for them in advance?
Or would you be paying £100/hr for a skilled professional to roll back carpets and prise up boards?

There's a new topic just started, discussing MVHR and under/over floor heating.
Would you like to dive in there with your wish-list for those two subjects?

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@transparent Thanks for the suggestions. I have been asking around, but haven't been happy with the suppliers I've been finding so far, which is why I reached out here. I would love to do some of this work myself, but my day job unfortunately doesn't leave me with much spare time, which is why I reached out here to see if anyone has recommendations about installers, as I have seen installers occasionally recommended on other posts, although unfortunately not in my area. I did look at the other thread that you mentioned, but my property has a suspended timber floor which doesn't really compare, so I wasn't sure what i could contribute.

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@ashwinjm - I have (mainly) suspended timber floors...
... and lots of photos of UHF being installed.

If you'd like a new topic, specifically about UFH for suspended timber floors, then start one, and tag me there.
I'll join in as soon as I receive an alert to tell where the topic is.

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Hi everyone.


Firstly, a big thanks Mars for creating this hub. 

So I live in the Peaks, with a farmhouse built around 1590. The house sits on the side of the hill about 400m above sea-level. The house has been refurbed in the last 5 years with loft insulation and some insulation between the exterior walls and drylining. Mind you the stone is about 600mm thick.

We are currently on a heating oil system, which we use about 2500l per annum. I am interested in converting to ASHP. I am trying to calculate the anticipated energy consumption we will use with an ASHP. As much as I would prefer to go with a more eco-friendly heat source, I am also not willing to sacrifice my entire paycheck to heat my house. I am hoping that I can find some help and guidance to give me enough information to make an informed decision. 

Thanks all and hope to chat with you soon. 

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Hi @timminthepeaks
Read the comment just above yours. Are you in a position to install underfloor heating?

How much of this building refurbishment are you able to do on a DIY basis?

For a heritage property, my first phone-call would be to the Conservation Officer at the local planning authority.
Ask if he can offer a site visit. They are a mine of information! 🙂 

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@transparent thanks for your response. 

the plan is to install UFH in the majority of the ground floor. We have the original flags in the living and dining areas, so don’t want to remove something over 400 years old! 
the UFH will make up up about 60% of the heating on the ground floor. Because we have wood burners in the living area, that usually heats up the two rooms without UFH. 
mill have a search to see where we can have someone conduct a proper survey of the house. 
thanks again for your help. I’m realising this is a fairly important task just to make sure the house is suitable for ASHP. 

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I'm in the North West and have had PV for about 71/2 yrs which has performed really well.  I've just taken the plunge and had a ASHP installed.  Unfortunately that's not doing so well.  Water and heating work well and the outside unit isnt what I'd class as noisy at all but the noise when the heating kicks in and the circulating pumps start is far louder than i expected.  As this is an intro topic,  I'll post more details on another thread.

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Hi @snuffy

Posted by: @snuffy

I've just taken the plunge and had a ASHP installed.  Unfortunately that's not doing so well.

You're not alone... as you will have discovered within just a few minutes of browsing this forum!

There are lots of reasons why a new ASHP installation may be noisy.
These include:

  • Pipework clipped to wall-boards which amplify the sound
  • Pumps and valves insufficiently supported
  • Pipes running through walls without an outer sleeve and/insulation
  • Insulation which is improperly fitted

In other words, noise is not necessarily due to the heat-pump itself.

Fortuitously there are a wide range of solutions to these issues... many of which can be applied on a DIY basis.

We look forward to discussing these solutions on another thread.
Tag me there once you've created it.

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