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Noble Member Moderator
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A slightly off-the-wall question here. I know I can send a pm to a particular person or people (e.g. @editor) and I know if I flag/report a post then all the moderators will be alerted. However, if I have a non-topic related question I want to pose to all the moderators and/or site admins at the same time, is there a way of doing this or a group address to add to a pm?

105 m2 bungalow in South East England
Mitsubishi Ecodan 8.5 kW air source heat pump
18 x 360W solar panels
1 x 6 kW GroWatt battery and SPH5000 inverter
1 x Myenergi Zappi
1 x VW ID3
Raised beds for home-grown veg and chickens for eggs

"Semper in excretia; suus solum profundum variat"

Illustrious Member Admin
26254 kWhs
Joined: 4 years ago
Posts: 2979

We don't, but you've just created a forum for that very purpose. Users can now use this forum to contact the mods of this site in this forum. Ask away.

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Noble Member Moderator
7253 kWhs
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He, he. Good point.

In this case, I happened to spot a member name that was clearly spam material and for common sense reasons probably best not to post the name or link here. However, since you're online I'll send the details to you directly, @editor.

105 m2 bungalow in South East England
Mitsubishi Ecodan 8.5 kW air source heat pump
18 x 360W solar panels
1 x 6 kW GroWatt battery and SPH5000 inverter
1 x Myenergi Zappi
1 x VW ID3
Raised beds for home-grown veg and chickens for eggs

"Semper in excretia; suus solum profundum variat"


Illustrious Member Admin
26254 kWhs
Joined: 4 years ago
Posts: 2979

@majordennisbloodnok, ah, the joys of spam users. There are so many bots pervading the internet (from the US, Russia, Lithuania, etc.) and they just create fake accounts everywhere. I must block and ban about 30 a day. Every now and again one sneaks through and gets through our system and successfully registers on the site a bona fide user. They still show as 'registered' below, but I've often banned and deleted them, and the reference is just a remnant of their bot existence. 

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