Winter climatic cur...
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Winter climatic curves v Spring/Autumn climatic curves

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We have a Grant Aerona3 and are trying to tweak our cliamtic curves after discovering our installer had set them to just heat the radiators at max and burn holes in our pockets. Should you expect to tweak the curves during the year and thus have different settings in winter compared to spring or autumn or is it OK to keep the same settings all year?

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Posted by: @davidm06

We have a Grant Aerona3 and are trying to tweak our cliamtic curves after discovering our installer had set them to just heat the radiators at max and burn holes in our pockets. Should you expect to tweak the curves during the year and thus have different settings in winter compared to spring or autumn or is it OK to keep the same settings all year?

Very sensible (you, not your installer). 

I suggest (if you haven't already) you set any TRVs to well above the desired temperature and any thermostat ditto, so you get the WC curve to as low as possible.  You will hopefully want to leave most there so control is essentially by WC alone.  Heat pump on 24*7 I hope.

The theory is that the settings should be the same all year if you get it right at both ends.  Of course its difficult to adjust the 'high OAT' end until we get milder weather, so in practice you might have to iterate a bit.  Currently its a bit intermediate so you might find you need to tweak the 'low OAT' end again when it gets colder.  


This post was modified 1 month ago by JamesPa

4kW peak of solar PV since 2011; EV and a 1930s house which has been partially renovated to improve its efficiency. 7kW Vaillant heat pump.



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