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[Sticky] Share Your Experiences with Heat Pump Manufacturer Support

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Illustrious Member Admin
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Have you ever reached out to your air source heat pump manufacturer for assistance? Whether it was for technical support, warranty issues, maintenance guidance or any other reason, we’d love to hear about your experiences.

Please share:

  • What prompted you to contact the manufacturer?
  • How responsive and helpful were they?
  • Were your issues resolved satisfactorily?
  • Did the manufacturer provide clear and actionable support?
  • Any recommendations or advice for fellow heat pump owners?

Thank you for sharing your stories!

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All pre-sales technical queries, several to each manufacturer, generally things you need to know to pick the unit/design the system adequately.

Mitsubishi, Vaillant, LG all excellent 

Samsung hasn't even responded to several queries 

Daikin does respond but, for anything even faintly technical, said 'ask your installer'

This post was modified 2 months ago by JamesPa

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Valiant have been superb with me, especially useful as my installer went bust just after my bodged installation.

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@witchcraft That is good to hear! Toodles

Toodles, 76 years young and hoping to see 100 and make some ROI on my renewable energy investment!

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In our case, to keep this topic going, we had great service and follow ups from our manufacturer (Global Energy Systems). I couldn't knock their willingness to help but the issue was that they had no clue on how to remedy our issues apart from installing distribution pump after distribution pump after distribution pump. As with most cases, it'll come down to the competency of the manufacturer's engineers.

From my interactions with homeowners, Mitsubishi, Vaillant, NIBE and Clivet appear to be the most willing to help.

Samsung is currently the worst by quite some way. 

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