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Recommended ASHP installers in Hampshire

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Hi all,

I have recently embarked on enquiries regarding installation of an ASHP and just wondered if anyone had any recommendations for installers in the Hampshire area. A key concern of ours is an efficient system to heat a very averagely insulated home (gas boiler currently), which is evidently a bit of a minefield but appears that it can be done in a way that will at least break even with current cost of gas versus electric i.e. SCOP of 4 or thereabouts. We have however already got a HP ready HW cylinder.

I have made enquiries with Octopus (ruled them out for various reasons), Vitoenergy, Neater Heat and Cinergi- the latter two companies seem to be good options but would obviously be really useful to hear of experiences, or any other suggestions. The Vitoenergy quote was very expensive so have all but ruled them out as well I think.

This topic was modified 11 months ago by benson
This topic was modified 11 months ago by Mars

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Welcome to the forums. Roughly where in Hampshire are you based?

If you’re willing to share, I’d be interested to hear why you’ve ruled Octopus out.

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@benson SA-Energy have a great reputation. Would definitely contact them. Not sure if they cover where you are in Hampshire but definitely worth contacting them.

This post was modified 11 months ago by Mars

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@editor we are just south of Petersfield.

Octopus- lack of detail regarding provisional quote (e.g. when I told them I already had a HP cylinder they simply took the cost of the supply of cylinder off the quote). Lack of customisable options i.e. you have to go for their radiators. They keep on calling me despite me telling them I'm not interested in going with them which is irritating.

SA energy- thanks. Will have a look. A great reputation where? On this forum from customers?

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You could always give Dore Woodman a call; they’re the company who installed our ASHP and I have no problem recommending them.

That said, their core area is Kent, Surrey and Sussex so I don’t know if you’re just a bit too far out. You can but ask, though.

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Posted by: @benson

SA energy- thanks. Will have a look. A great reputation where? On this forum from customers?

Among other credible installers. They have always come across as being very professional and customer service orientated. We also interviewed Simon, who owns SA Energy, about batteries and energy storage:

Interesting about Octopus. I guess that’s what happens when you’re a volume installer.

This post was modified 11 months ago by Mars

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@majordennisbloodnok ok thank you I will have a look.

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@editor thanks. Yes that is a good way of describing octopus, and our concerns. They are very much about volume, and I got the impression that the installation may be ok, but the more independent installers will customise various options- not least the actual choice of Ashp as octopus are just installing the daikins.

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@editor Benson, we had our ASHP (Daikin 8 kW) installed by Cinergi, after a few initial hiccups that involved an incompetent project manager (who left their employ) the whole system including a Sunamp Thermino went well. Due to the original project manager failing to order the parts at the right time, the job suffered a delay. Good neat installation and have had no problems with it since. Ian Loveridge took over the role as PM to see that the job went ahead smoothly. They also fitted my second Powerwall battery. Regards, Toodles.

Toodles, he heats his home with cold draughts and cooks his food with magnets.

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Posted by: @toodles

@editor Benson, we had our ASHP (Daikin 8 kW) installed by Cinergi, after a few initial hiccups that involved an incompetent project manager (who left their employ) the whole system including a Sunamp Thermino went well. Due to the original project manager failing to order the parts at the right time, the job suffered a delay. Good neat installation and have had no problems with it since. Ian Loveridge took over the role as PM to see that the job went ahead smoothly. They also fitted my second Powerwall battery. Regards, Toodles.

Thanks Toodles- from searching previous posts I saw that you had used Cinergi so was thinking of pinging you a PM. That is good to hear that they resolved the issues. They do have a lot of positive google reviews for ASHP installations as well. 


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@benson If you do speak to Ian, just mention Mike in Reading; the person who really gets things going the quickest is Kate Loveridge ( and she has a masterly hand over the whole company! Regards, Toodles.

Toodles, he heats his home with cold draughts and cooks his food with magnets.

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Thanks for advice thus far.

A few weeks on and this is evidently a bit of a minefield.

We have sent an enquiry to SA energy and just waiting to hear back.

Quick question- what should I be looking for in a proposal when it comes to weather compensation? We are (or were at least) quite far down the line with Cinergi and I did ask and they confirmed that this would be included, and all calibrated etc. I can't see any mention of it anywhere though. Is this pretty standard or should a proposal go into detail around flow temps rather than just saying it will run at 50 degrees c.

Certainly a few other niggles with them I have to say, so interesting to hear of toodles experience albeit noting that was rectified in the end. A few mistakes which I have had to pick up on, that are not giving me the loving feeling and then a last minute change to ts and cs (not highlighted) where the day rate for any contingency work goes from £440 to £600, per engineer. Happy to pay for the right expertise but £600 a day? Yikes....

This post was modified 10 months ago by benson


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