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MelCloud Outage

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For those users with a Mitsubishi ASHP or AC which they control via MelCloud, the system is currently down and has been for the past few days. The outage appears to be Europe wide with no current estimate of time to restore as yet. 

Back to programming the main controller!

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Thanks, @abernyte. Whereabouts did you find this out? I’d like to keep an eye on updates and I didn’t see anything on Mitsubishi’s website. Must be looking in the wrong place.

105 m2 bungalow in South East England
Mitsubishi Ecodan 8.5 kW air source heat pump
18 x 360W solar panels
1 x 6 kW GroWatt battery and SPH5000 inverter
1 x Myenergi Zappi
1 x VW ID3
Raised beds for home-grown veg and chickens for eggs

"Semper in excretia; suus solum profundum variat"

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@majordennisbloodnok I found out by sending in a product support email here
(see Product Support tab at bottom of page after all the marketing fluff)

I got a quick reply from
MEU-UK, LES Residential Helpdesk <>

"The MelCloud servers are currently down, we are working on getting them back up and running as soon as a possible."

The annoying thing about this is that I cannot control my system from home because the control interface is only available through a European server. 


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@majordennisbloodnok there is absolutely nothing published  publicly about this outage.  For some, a message advising that there has been a problem since Wednesday popped up on the Melcloud app but there has been no updates since. 


I thought it was my Internet connection at first until I did a Google search.  Even tried contacting support by no reply



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why do I always blame myself when something goes wrong?

We went to Scotland on Monday so thought I’d try the on/off switch on MELCloud for the first time, to switch the whole system down. (Top, left of screen)  doing anything on MELCloud  for the first time comes with some degree of trepidation but I was convinced I had this. It’s only an off switch so what could possibly go wrong. 

F5DF5B97 2648 48B5 A701 BA1EE47B4ECB

So I thought I would pot the heating back on while we were still in Scotland, pre-selected on our lowest steady output. So the house would be comfortable by the time we would be back. 

so imagine my panic when I came to switch it back on while still in Scotland - it came on for Half a day then...... Blank.

what Have I Done......?

69E15F5D D9B6 4F71 BAED 612B19F4B4F0


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I noticed when Melcloud  auto emailed me to say a unit had lost connection. Everything was working fine but over the next few days it became more frequent until it lost all connection totally.

I made sure that the outage was not internal to my house then called Mitsubishi support line. Got through first ring and the chap who answered confirmed that it was their outage causing the issue. Check online and found a sub reddit with posters from all over Europe with the same issue - from Estonia to Portugal. Wild speculation there said hack of the service by large red country to the north!

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Hi all, new to the forum. 

I realised something was wrong when the app gave a message "last communication with the system 19:54" on 18/04/24. Naturally I thought it was the WiFi and wasted time speaking with my broadband provider for the property where the Ecodan system is located, (not my home)

They confirmed router connection ok, so eventually I phoned Mitsubishi and there was a recorded message about the server problem. 

At least that message saved me a round trip of 100 miles to check the router.

However there has been no notification or updates, and this has now been an issue for 5 days. 

Pretty annoying. 

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Thanks, all

As you say, whilst the Mitsi customer service is being commendably up-front about the issue, there really should be some notification on one of their web sites for information purposes; only telling people when they ask and expecting that to be acceptable service is not really on.

I have to admit this is making the option of spending a couple of hundred pounds on a bolt-on optional Modbus interface somewhat more worth considering. The local management model worked for me when the inverter wasn't playing ball with the Growatt site so perhaps it's time to do the same for the ASHP. Food for thought....

105 m2 bungalow in South East England
Mitsubishi Ecodan 8.5 kW air source heat pump
18 x 360W solar panels
1 x 6 kW GroWatt battery and SPH5000 inverter
1 x Myenergi Zappi
1 x VW ID3
Raised beds for home-grown veg and chickens for eggs

"Semper in excretia; suus solum profundum variat"

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There was a notification in the app, less than a day after the outage started, it stated there was a an outage and that their software engineers were working on it but they did not have a timeframe for resolution


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@Gary I did see that message in the app. What is puzzling is that were are now 5 days,  potentially 6 or 7 days, in. If this was a hardware issue one would think an organisation of Mitsubishi's size would have that sorted double quick time. This increasingly looks like the service and potentially user data has suffered serious meltdown. I would have hoped to see some info to users by now.

This post was modified 11 months ago by Abernyte

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Agree @abernyte this is appalling service.  It's not just a nice-to-have option but essential for some users. 

At the very least we should be seeing a status update. The message disappeared from the app the same day it was posted and there has been no further information.

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This isn't the first time that there's been a major MelCloud outage, and these things do happen, but there should be a clear message on the portal/website letting customers know there's an outage. It's common courtesy. Is MelCloud a paid for service? 

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