HOT TIP - DHW Cylin...
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HOT TIP - DHW Cylinder Thermostat

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Whilst running some tests on the disinfection cycle of my Daikin Mono 16kw I observed that the temperature of the booster heater was only getting up to 59.9C and not reaching the 60c mark.  I had set it to reach 60C for 5 mins to satisfy the legionella cycle but it had been running for 30 mins and could not get pass that magic 60c number.

I had a read through the cylinder book and it said "make sure the thermostat is FULLY insterted", so i unscrewed the thermostat gland and found that i could push in the probe another 2-3 inches.  Immediately the reported temperature of the DHW went to 62.9C!   So just by pushing in the probe right to the end of the pocket the 60c was satisfied and the disinfection cycle completed for the first time ever!

By my calculations that will save 0.5kw of additional heating every time the DHW is run, so that will be a saving of over 180KW per year just by pushing in the probe where it should be.

This is because the water would be heating an extra 3c above the setpoints for my Eco and Confort settings.


see also


Estimable Member Member
366 kWhs
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Posts: 59
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Correction, it should say saving of over 540KW per year just by pushing in the probe - as i have HW heat 3 x per day


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