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Getting the best out of a heat pump - is Homely a possible answer?

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Posted by: @cathoderay

Posted by: @starkers

the plotting is done locally so the data must be being presented to plotly.js somehow.

That is good news. If you can find the script/code that does the plot, it will have a line in it that grabs the data, and that will tell you where it is. It'll probably use pandas with something like:

import pandas as pd

df = pd.read_csv(r'modbus\mideadata.csv') 

depending on what format your data is in.


Ah, no- sorry, forgive my lack of precision. By 'done locally' I mean client side on the browser, rather than 'local to the homely hub'- the data is being pulled from homely's servers in whatever format and level of precision they want to make available, but within the browser instance plotly is rendering it, so that must be available in the webpage you're served from the dashboard. I'll take a look at an offline copy of the page and see if I can work out how that data is rendered.


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@starkers - not a problem. If I am not teaching grandmothers to suck eggs - if you are using a standard desktop browser, look for Developer mode and then a Network (ie Network traffic) page or tab. That should list all the files coming from the server, one of them should have the data in it.

Midea 14kW (for now...) ASHP heating both building and DHW

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Has anybody managed to add the Homely Controller to their Grant Aerona3 heat pump? Being increasingly frustrated by the limitations of the Grant remote controller & CH / DHW timers, I'm keen to explore the possible options.

Any feedback on installing the Homely controller would be greatly appreciated. 



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@elliotmair welcome to the forums. Grant is 'compatible' with Homely. Have you got Homely, or are you thinking about getting it, and what are you hoping it does that the Grant controller can't deliver?

This post was modified 3 months ago by Mars

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I'm currently in the process of setting up my Homely. The heating settings are now working, as anticipated & now taking advantage of the dynamic pricing tarriffs. Having difficulty setting up my domestic hot water operation. Replacing the operation of the conventional HW timer is proving challenging within my system. I just wanted to hear the experience of other users - as they shift away from the confusing remote controller.

Dropping my multi-zone set up to allow my Heat Pump to finally operate in a far more efficient manner. I'm convinced my Homely controller will achieve lower flow rates whilst delivering warm & even comfort levels throughout the whole day.  

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Posted by: @starkers

To make an extreme example, it may be cheaper in terms of total cost of heating, to run the HP flat out at a higher flow temperature for 30 mins when the electricity cost is 5p/unit at a COP of 2.0 and then turn off for 30 mins than to run for one hour at a COP of 3.0 when the average electricity price is 15p/unit.

Yes, I appreciate that example.

The 'problem' here is that Homely is making a decision based on price rather than:

  • energy efficiency of the heat-pump system
  • adverse effects on the grid
  • reducing carbon emissions


It's a reasonable approach in view of the lack of data input from the local grid, and deficiencies in the tariffs currently on offer.

And it's more acceptable than the strategies being considered by government, Ofgem and NESO on how heat-pumps could be 'managed' remotely, using algorithms which aren't available for tweaking by consumers.

DESNZ is considering how they might meld their approach into operating within existing 3rd party control systems such as Homely.
They intend using Working Parties and Consultations to help shape their future strategy for Demand Side Response...

... which means it will arrive in a timescale consistent with previous government targets, and work just as well as other government-led IT systems have done 🤨 

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Posted by: @elliotmair

I'm convinced my Homely controller will achieve lower flow rates whilst delivering warm & even comfort levels throughout the whole day.  

Beware of expectation bias! It may be better to wait and see what actually happens. For example, as documented above, Homely can prioritise making use of TOU tariffs over maintaining steady room temps, resulting in uneven room temperatures and possibly even a lower efficiency (though with hopefully cost savings achieved by using the cheaper time slots to do much of the heating). 

Edit: see also @transparent's comment above posted a moment ago. Heat pump stuff is rarely simple. 

This post was modified 3 months ago by cathodeRay

Midea 14kW (for now...) ASHP heating both building and DHW

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@elliotmair Hi Elliot. Yes, I upgraded my fairly standard Grant installation (with wiring centre, room thermostat, tank stat and DHW timer) a week or so ago. Seems to be doing the job so far. I'm not an expert by any stretch, but will help if I can.

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@transparent I have felt the same concerns over these same points; my Homely is set up to work ‘harmoniously’ with Cosy but is this the best way?

I have explained to Homely technicians that in my own case, the actual timings of the cheap rate hours and instructing the heat pump to ‘do its’ thing’ during these hours is unnecessary as the battery charges up during those cheapest hours so that the heat pump can run at the best times. By ‘best’, I mean the times when heat is most needed and when the highest efficiency will allow.

I suspect that setting the parameters for Cosy time is probably not doing me any favours other than not having to pay the approx 10% increase in my charges due to the charge / discharge losses that I incur for all use from the battery rather than straight from the grid during those Cosy (8 hours daily) hours.

10% on top of the cheapest rate still leaves me with a lower bill than having to use the hiked prices at any other hours though. All this said, am I being kind to the grid doing so?😉 Regards, Toodles

Toodles, he heats his home with cold draughts and cooks his food with magnets.

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@grahaml Great to hear you've managed to successfully integrate Homely into your system. Which Grant model do you own?

Thanks for the offer of assistance. I may need some support whilst I try to resolve my HW issue. 

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Posted by: @elliotmair

@grahaml Great to hear you've managed to successfully integrate Homely into your system. Which Grant model do you own?

Thanks for the offer of assistance. I may need some support whilst I try to resolve my HW issue. 


@elliotmair It's a 13kW Aerona3 (HPID13R32).

What's the issue with your DHW? Is the motorised valve wired back to the heat pump, and do you have a cylinder sensor connected and activated?


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@starkers - just wondering if you have made any progress in getting at your raw data?

Midea 14kW (for now...) ASHP heating both building and DHW


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