Ecodan DHW Settings...
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Ecodan DHW Settings missing

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I'm sure I'm missing the DHW Settings button...please see the attached photo. 

Any ideas how I can get this menu back?


PXL 20240305 201506283


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What did you press to get to this screen, it doesn't look right at all, but try a long press of the menu button see if the screen looks any different.


If that doesn't work have you tried turning its on and back on again it does look like the screen isn't scaled correctly.

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This screen was accessed by long pressing the menu button and selecting the first item 'DHW'. 


I've power cycled the unit, reset the controller, reset the FTC, all to no avail. 

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@pingu807 Sounds like its got an issue then, best to call mitsubishi tech support

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I would suggest that you check the setting of DIP Switch SW1-3 which identifies the presence or absence of a DHW cylinder. If the setting of this DIP Switch indicates that a DHW cylinder has not been installed then the controller display is unlikely to show the parameters relating to DHW.

Also check the setting of SW3-7.

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Hi Derek, that sounds promising. How exactly would I do that. 


Gary, yes I think it is a tech issue, that's why I'm here...I live in an Overseas Territory and calling international support numbers is rather expensive unfortunately!


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Posted by: @pingu807

Hi Derek, that sounds promising. How exactly would I do that. 


Gary, yes I think it is a tech issue, that's why I'm here...I live in an Overseas Territory and calling international support numbers is rather expensive unfortunately!

Look at section 4.3 Dip switch functions on page B-57 of the attached document.



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Hi, thanks for your help. 

It was all working properly only a few days ago and noone has touched any physical switches. Before I go opening it up, is it possible these switches could have moved themselves? 

I have also lost both the temperature readouts for room temp and DHW temp on the 'home' screen now. 



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