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Ecodan Compensation Curve Minimum Temp 25 Degrees

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My Ecodan doesn't seem to allow me to set a compensation curve that will drop flow temp below 25 degrees celcius. In essence at 10 degrees outside I want all heating turned off with normal DHW function. Is my only option to turn off heating completely? I Assume I'm missing something; I can only find oblique reference to the 25 degree lower limit on the Web. 

Any advice would be very much appreciated.

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Well, generally a heating system is controlled by demand rather than another parameter. Even if you could lower the compensation curve further it would still be running – but I suspect it would become less efficient trying to put so little heat in.

However, in the controller settings you can find Service Menu > Operation Settings > Summer Mode, which is set to Off by default. But you have the options to set Heating On (4—19°, default 10°) and Heating Off (5—20°, default 15°) temperatures for ambient temps, and Heating On and Heating Off Judgement Times (both 1-48 hrs, default 6). These aren't explained anywhere, so perhaps a call to the Ecodan support line is in order, but I would presume that the temps are just setting on below/off above values with a hysteresis to allow it to run for a while and the judgments perhaps set a minimum time it has to be below temp before the heating is actually run, and a maximimum run time for while it is operating below the off ambient temp, after which it turns the heating off again until ambient drops below the on temp. Perhaps.

My summer mode is completely off via a schedule. Keep us informed if you try this option out!


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Thanks Harri. Interesting idea. I'll give it a go and let you know what happens.



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