Ecodan 11.2kva Cont...
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Ecodan 11.2kva Controller location?

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Hi All

We've got an Ecodan 11.2kva and the installers have located the integrated internal unit in the garage and then we are connected to the house with a domestic distribution pipe (big insulated send/return for HW/Heating).  We've got Hive running in the house (1 as the house thermostat and 1 as underfloor/pump controller in an extension).  We are not always getting heat to the house, when the Hive thermostats are calling for it.  My suspicion is that the controller on the integrated unit (set to 21oC) in the garage, is reaching its temp and so when the hive thermostats call for heat from the house, it is not calling heat.  I've spoken to the installer a couple of times and they are not sure, but would a simple solution to move the ecodan controller to the house (instead of with the integrated boiler unit in the garage)?  We have a cable conduit that we could use, but would appreciate any thoughts/ideas before I go back to the installers.


Thanks in advance


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The Mitsubishi main controller will be where the system is reading the room temperature unless you are using the Mitsubishi wireless room controller which then is set to supersede the hard wired one and it will read the temperature of where ever it is sited. 

Hive may be a problem as it is an on/off thermostat and the Mitsubishi wireless controller in auto adaptive mode is much more sophisticated.  There are others here more knowledgeable than I who will surely comment.

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