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Latest NIBE model has known defect and no solution

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I would suggest that you contact Citizens Advice, since your installed heat pump is not 'fit for purpose' if it cannot keep your home heated in cold weather.

I would also suggest e-mailing Nibe Customer Care, in the UK and pp the one in Sweden, and ask for the present heat pump to be replaced ASAP with a working unit. If this fails to get a suitable response then e-mail the Managing Director or CEO of Nibe, to ask if he would like you to provide more free publicity, though you may not be able to guarantee that it will be complimentary. I have found that this tactic has worked in the past.

Wherever possible deal in the written word so that you have a record, and ensure that any statements that you make are factually correct.

I wish you the best of luck in resolving your problem.



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@derek-m Thank you.


I found their MD and Head of sales' email online. Emailed them and customer services over the weekend. Not even a peep.

I am no taking to social media and will be raising with Citizen's advise. The control panel shows all of the time it faults and goes offline, more often than not it does it overnight so can't even reset it.

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@richardpool, NIBE’s senior management in the UK have replied to me saying, “This customer has made contact with us directly and we are in the process of investigating his issue.”

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@richardpool, the thing I'm most perplexed about is why this unit hasn't been removed and replaced by a working one (even if it's a different model or brand). Being without heat for a day or two is tough, let alone over six weeks.

What is your installer saying about all of this? I appreciate that they have installed it correctly, but at the end of the day it's not working or heating your house. It's like buying a car that's been built and assembled correctly, but it won't start – I would demand a new car or a different model. 

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@editor Hi Mars - I agree, but the installer doesn't have any spare units as there's a supply shortage and has equally been pushing Nibe for an answer. To your other post, Nibe are aware of the issue and I have been in contact. To be really clear though (as this is my main frustration with the whole situation), they haven't given me a solution, timeframe or been back in touch after I (not them) chased. I had previously emailed the UK Managing Director, Head of Sales and UK customer services. Nobody replied. So, inspired by other advice, last night I emailed the Nibe Group CEO and Head of Division (in Sweden), as well as any customer services I could find. It was only then that I received a response from the Head of Division in Sweden. They have told me that they would ensure it was looked in to. Still waiting this morning for anything further.

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Posted by: @editor

@richardpool, NIBE’s senior management in the UK have replied to me saying, “This customer has made contact with us directly and we are in the process of investigating his issue.”


Well, that's a non-denial if ever I saw one!

What is the installer doing at the moment? IMO the only acceptable answer is nothing due to lack of pumps. If they are installing other models for other people, they should postpone one and use that model to replace the bad unit. If they are installing more faulty units, that's deeply dodgy. Ultimately, the contract is with them and they are Nibe's customer, not the homeowner.



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@mjr They aren't installing any more Nibe units are the moment, as they don't have any. Even those that they have on order, they are not going to install until issue is resolved, for fear of this repeating.


Update: Just had a call from Phil Hurley. An apology and recognition that they have failed on customer service in this instance, but they have just taken on a customer service manager to improve going forward. A new circuit board is being manufactured, to try and resolve the issue. Date for delivery in to UK and fit is not yet known.

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I'm afraid if it was me, I would be making it abundantly clear that this is not acceptable, since you have now been without adequate heating for 6 weeks or more, with children in the home.


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I’d find another installer to chuck something else in, then get this installer to refund you.

Plenty of stock of decent units in the UK from other manufacturers.

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Posted by: @hughf

I’d find another installer to chuck something else in, then get this installer to refund you.

That rather relies on having enough liquid money to pay the remedial installer and claim back. I'd give the original installer chance to install another brand unit first, to avoid that. 

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@mjr shouldn't have had to come to this - right?!

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I suspect the legally sound way (assuming the OP has a contract with the installer and not directly with Nibe) is to ask the installer to install an alternative ASHP.  If they won't, get someone else to do it and claim the money back from the installer. I realise that might not be easy to do, especially if the supplier is doing their best.    

Make sure you keep a note of any extra expenses incurred - higher electricity bills, logs for the fire, extra bedding, warm clothes, etc.  Nibe should at the very least offer to reimburse you for this.    


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