My thoughts are that I'm running it too low as I don't want much heat out of it. When it's mild like it is it's stalling. Maybe. I don't really understand how they work. 🙈
If you still would like some assistance in trying to resolve your problem, then please propose a time period of several hours in which you will be able to perform some tests.
@derek-m I don't have an Ecodan but you may be talking about something else.
When you say "indoor temperature" do you mean the measurement on the wired remote on the tank or the one on the room stats?
Room stats are still the same at around 18 and indoor temp on "heat" screen on wired remote is still the same at around 21-22.
Both pumps are vibrating so assume they are running.
Hi Craig,
I remember reading that one of the manufacturer's has a controller that limits the restart of the compressor to help prevent short cycling, but I can't remember which manufacturer.
Tuesday am should be okay.
If your thermostats are indicating an indoor room temperature of 21-22, then it would appear that the Samsung controller is not being influenced by the thermostats, since either the heat pump and/or the water pumps should be switched off.
Looking at the lower of the two photo's of the Samsung controller, for the system to be in Water Law, should that be highlighted rather than Heat?
To have an indoor temperature of 21.3C with a water outlet temperature of only 24.6C would seem rather strange, do you have any other form of heating?
Do you have a suitable thermometer with which to measure the room temperatures and radiator temperatures?
@derek-m The display on the wired controller doesn’t highlight Water Law, but confirms that it is using weather compensation. The temperature reading is measured by the wired controller, presumably in a room or space warmer than where the on/off thermostats are located. I think the controller was attached to the hot water cylinder. The flow temperature is unusually low as you say. The -2 setting is the amount of offset applied to the weather compensation curve. I am interested in your discussion as my Samsung also short cycles every 8 minutes after it has been running for a few hours ( we don’t have it on continuously during the day as we are often out).
I am running the WC settings pretty low to keep the house at around 18 degrees. We both work outside so don't like a hot house. So the minus 2 is tweaking down the already low WC curve. I was using the +/-5 on the front screen to tweak once I'd done the main adjustment.
The wired controller is attached to the tank in the old airing cupboard, hence the warmer temp.
@derek-m I'm afraid I don't have any thermometer, what would a suitable one be?
Room stats indicate temp of 18.5. Indoor temp on wired remote says 21-22. I'm not sure where this picks up the temp from or what it means.
I have no other form of heating.
I believe "heat" is highlighted by ecause I'm looking at heat settings not DHW.
the wired controller is reporting the temperature of the airing cupboard where it is…. It gets this from its built in thermistor on the pcb.
Off grid on the isle of purbeck
2.4kW solar, 15kWh Seplos Mason, Outback power systems 3kW inverter/charger, solid fuel heating with air/air for shoulder months, 10 acres of heathland/woods.
My wife’s house: 1946 3 bed end of terrace in Somerset, ASHP with rads + UFH, triple glazed, retrofit IWI in troublesome rooms, small rear extension.
Thanks for the information Mike, I having delaying the pleasure of reading through the Samsung manual again, to remind myself of the various settings. I assume that your system also has an external water pump, but does it have PWM control?
@derek-m I'm afraid I don't have any thermometer, what would a suitable one be?
Room stats indicate temp of 18.5. Indoor temp on wired remote says 21-22. I'm not sure where this picks up the temp from or what it means.
I have no other form of heating.
I believe "heat" is highlighted by ecause I'm looking at heat settings not DHW.
It would be best if you have a thermometer that can measure room temperature, when place about 1 metre from the floor in the central area of the room. To measure the temperature of the radiators and possibly pipework, you need the type of thermometer where the sensing end can make good thermal contact, and can then be covered with suitable insulation.
As Hugh has pointed out, the temperature sensor for the Samsung wired controller is located inside the unit, so will be sensing the temperature inside your airing cupboard.
As a quick check, turn both thermostats down to 10C and see if your heat pump and both water pumps stop. Then turn one of the thermostats up to 25C, and see if one of the water pumps starts along with the heat pump. Turn this thermostat back down to 10C and turn the other thermostat up to 25C and see if the second water pump starts along with the heat pump. Record the results.
Check to see if the signal cable from the controller to the heat pump passes close to any electrical power cables.
@derek-m I'll check those thermostat and make notes.
What are you referring to as the controller and the heat pump. Just so I can check. Controller is the wired remote fitted to the culii assume? Is the heat pump the unit outside?
If the thermostat can be ordered from Amazon I can grab one but I'm not entirely sure what I need, sorry to be a bit slow on this.
@derek-m I'll check those thermostat and make notes.
What are you referring to as the controller and the heat pump. Just so I can check. Controller is the wired remote fitted to the culii assume? Is the heat pump the unit outside?
If the thermostat can be ordered from Amazon I can grab one but I'm not entirely sure what I need, sorry to be a bit slow on this.
the controller is the wired remote that is fitted to the front of the cylinder, in the airing cupboard. The heat pump is the box that’s outside your house. The cylinder is the store of your hot water for the taps/shower etc.
Off grid on the isle of purbeck
2.4kW solar, 15kWh Seplos Mason, Outback power systems 3kW inverter/charger, solid fuel heating with air/air for shoulder months, 10 acres of heathland/woods.
My wife’s house: 1946 3 bed end of terrace in Somerset, ASHP with rads + UFH, triple glazed, retrofit IWI in troublesome rooms, small rear extension.
@derek-m I'll check those thermostat and make notes.
What are you referring to as the controller and the heat pump. Just so I can check. Controller is the wired remote fitted to the culii assume? Is the heat pump the unit outside?
If the thermostat can be ordered from Amazon I can grab one but I'm not entirely sure what I need, sorry to be a bit slow on this.
Yes, the heat pump is the outside unit.
Kev ordered some aquarium style thermometers, the details of which your can find in one of his posts. Use a purchased thermometer to check the accuracy of the room thermostat displays, and if they are okay then use the thermostats to measure the room temperatures.
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