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MCS Certified installer problem

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@derek-m I don't really want to be naming and shaming just yet until I have met with them on Monday. Will happily share but want to go through the following list of issues to see how they will be rectified:

1. Design temperatures
2. Drain water from the pump icing up
3. Noise from the system
4. Hot water has run out on a number of occasions - my disabled sister has showers which last approx 20 mins (as it takes her this long due to her condition) and in that time the water has run cold. I have had to manually enable the immersion heater to enable other people to shower in the house.
5. Location of the ASHP - within 1m of the property boundary. 
6. The clearances of the unit are not sufficient and as such has created a cold well which is causing the ASHP to overwork. Within the MI’s the clearances are not stated for heat pumps with 3 side walls it would be safe to assume a minimum of 20cm would be needed which ours hasn’t got.
The ambient temperature outside at the moment is 2.8c, however behind the unit the temperature is reading 1.5c (please see attached pictures).
7. There is also no legionella protection setup on the system or seemingly possible way to set it up using the controller. This is because the iBoost has been directly connected to the immersion heater.

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Posted by: @parmstar

@derek-m I don't really want to be naming and shaming just yet until I have met with them on Monday. Will happily share but want to go through the following list of issues to see how they will be rectified:

1. Design temperatures
2. Drain water from the pump icing up
3. Noise from the system
4. Hot water has run out on a number of occasions - my disabled sister has showers which last approx 20 mins (as it takes her this long due to her condition) and in that time the water has run cold. I have had to manually enable the immersion heater to enable other people to shower in the house.
5. Location of the ASHP - within 1m of the property boundary. 
6. The clearances of the unit are not sufficient and as such has created a cold well which is causing the ASHP to overwork. Within the MI’s the clearances are not stated for heat pumps with 3 side walls it would be safe to assume a minimum of 20cm would be needed which ours hasn’t got.
The ambient temperature outside at the moment is 2.8c, however behind the unit the temperature is reading 1.5c (please see attached pictures).
7. There is also no legionella protection setup on the system or seemingly possible way to set it up using the controller. This is because the iBoost has been directly connected to the immersion heater.

That's fine, you can name and shame when you are ready.

I forgot to mention, wherever possible deal with all concerned in writing rather than verbally, then you something for the record.


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@derek-m of course, thank you 😄 Mondays discussion will be noted and summarised in an email with the MCS been copied in on every email exchange for a case file they are building up


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Posted by: @parmstar

@hughf Hi, it’s a third party 300l joule cylinder has one immersion directly wired to an iboost. Rads aren’t undersized - I went over and above what was asked for by the installer

If the rads are oversized for the heat loss at the design temp of 50, and you’re running it at 55 and the target room temperature hasn’t been met then the poor performance must be related to the poor physical location of the install.


Off grid on the isle of purbeck
2.4kW solar, 15kWh Seplos Mason, Outback power systems 3kW inverter/charger, solid fuel heating with air/air for shoulder months, 10 acres of heathland/woods.

My wife’s house: 1946 3 bed end of terrace in Somerset, ASHP with rads + UFH, triple glazed, retrofit IWI in troublesome rooms, small rear extension.

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Posted by: @parmstar

I really don’t see any alternative solution apart from a 14kw ashp, the problem with that is that it’s not suitable for that location.

I'm not disagreeing with the spec of the 14kW ASHP unit itself. But I think it should be wall-hung.

There are wall-mount brackets available for precisely this scenario, such as these from Components Direct:



Posted by: @derek-m

As a last resort you may be able to take your installer to the small claims court.

I don't think it's wise to raise that within discussions with the installer. The claim would be for a sum greater than £5000 and therefore falls outside of the approach most people are familiar with in the Small Claims Division of the High Court.

The two other paths through that Division both allow either party to use professional legal counsel to present their case. There must be pre-trial hearings during which solicitors/barristers can effectively run up the costs by filing documents which require responses within time deadlines. Each set of documents results in another hearing 'in chambers', during which either party can request an interim ruling in their favour on the matter of costs.

If the installer is a Limited Company, their own solicitor's mounting costs can render the company insolvent, at which point they cease trading.

You, on the other hand, are not able to claim such 'protection'. So you're effectively gambling with your own house!

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@hughf there’s literally no where else it can go so I struggle to see how they will rectify this situation

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Can I just express my thanks to everyone on this forum - so far you have all been great! 

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@parmstar you’ll end up having to pay for a decent gas boiler install and then claim the costs back through the small claims court, my prediction… not what you want to hear but I expect that’s the way this will pan out.

any reason why a hitachi split can’t go up the garden somewhere miles away? They’re real performers and the split makes the long distance plumbing easier/more efficient.

Off grid on the isle of purbeck
2.4kW solar, 15kWh Seplos Mason, Outback power systems 3kW inverter/charger, solid fuel heating with air/air for shoulder months, 10 acres of heathland/woods.

My wife’s house: 1946 3 bed end of terrace in Somerset, ASHP with rads + UFH, triple glazed, retrofit IWI in troublesome rooms, small rear extension.

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Posted by: @parmstar

there is currently a condensate drain installed with lagging but it’s not working as it should for some reason. 

What size pipework does it use?

Just because the condensate outlet from a heating device is the standard 21.5mm 'overflow' pipe, doesn't mean that it can be continued using that size.

Four other factors come into play here:

  • is the condensate pipe running outside the heated envelope of the dwelling? (yes!)
  • what is the total length of the run?
  • how many bends are within the run?
  • what is the fall on the pipe? (the usual 1-in-40 for external waste services is inadequate)

It's rare that a Building Control Inspector would even bother to check the precise rules. The overriding consideration is common sense!


BTW the Building Control Dept of your LPA should already be aware of your installation because the installer is obliged to inform them under Part-L, sections 3 & 4

PartL 3+4

And you should have a copy of the response letter to your installer from your Electricity Distribution Network Operator, providing consent. A Heat Pump falls within Low Carbon Technology (LCT) criteria, for which a form published by the Electrical Networks Association (ENA) will have been completed.

You should also have the electrical tests certificate created by the qualified electrician who undertook that part of the installation under Part-P of the Building Regs.

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Posted by: @hughf

@parmstar you’ll end up having to pay for a decent gas boiler install and then claim the costs back through the small claims court, my prediction… not what you want to hear but I expect that’s the way this will pan out.

any reason why a hitachi split can’t go up the garden somewhere miles away? They’re real performers and the split makes the long distance plumbing easier/more efficient.

I fully agree with HughF that if you can claim a full refund for the inappropriate installation of the heat pump, a better alternative would be to re-install a gas boiler.

I think that many on this forum will be interested to see if MCS actually do something useful, rather than just accrediting incompetent installers.

A further thing to clarify with your installer is if there is a buffer tank, low loss header or plate heat exchanger included within your system. Any of which can seriously affect the overall efficiency.


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Another option is to pay for @heacol to consult on the failings of this install, get him to write a fault report and get the installers to act on his recommendations.

Or just pay Brendon to fix it and then claim the bill from the installers insurance through the small claims court.

Off grid on the isle of purbeck
2.4kW solar, 15kWh Seplos Mason, Outback power systems 3kW inverter/charger, solid fuel heating with air/air for shoulder months, 10 acres of heathland/woods.

My wife’s house: 1946 3 bed end of terrace in Somerset, ASHP with rads + UFH, triple glazed, retrofit IWI in troublesome rooms, small rear extension.

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Posted by: @hughf

Another option is to pay for @heacol to consult on the failings of this install, get him to write a fault report and get the installers to act on his recommendations.

Or just pay Brendon to fix it and then claim the bill from the installers insurance through the small claims court.

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