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The UK Parliament's, Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy select committee has just published its latest report: "Decarbonising heat in homes".

A lot of words and clearly identifies the immense scale of the problem, but without any solid plan for achieving a solution. Heat pumps get a mention.

You can find it here



Grant Aerona HPID10 10kWh ASHP

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they just need to mandate compensation controls, that’ll yield anything between a 10 and 20% decrease in emmisions with better comfort levels in buildings as owners of ASHP appreciate.


The whole subject is worthy of a PhD..why do heat pumps (and boilers) give grief in the U.K. but not in other technologically advanced countries…..


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Posted by: @alec-morrow

they just need to mandate compensation controls, that’ll yield anything between a 10 and 20% decrease in emmisions with better comfort levels in buildings as owners of ASHP appreciate.


The whole subject is worthy of a PhD..why do heat pumps (and boilers) give grief in the U.K. but not in other technologically advanced countries…..


This sort of thing goes a long way to explain it.  Unfortunately a lot of people read this sort of stuff.



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@kev-m The heating industry revels in the publics disinterest and and ignorance about heating. Its not helped by poor training that pays lip service to modern technology. EG as a gas registered installer I have to know about boilers developed 80yrs ago for safety reasons even though the only thing I do with old boilers is remove them

The debate about how to develop efficient heating systems to minimise energy consumption was had in Germany 35yrs ago and long since dead and buried. Compensation technology is absorbed and the default way to run boilers.

The sales agents of those companies now advise the government, and pay Trade Bodies for pointless research to keep us in the on-off control tunnel. 

I dont know what's going to change that. Intellectual capital in heating appliances left when we stopped developing the technology some 30yrs ago. May be a few price rises in energy will focus the mind!

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I wrote to the Department of Energy to press for change in EPC ratings so that heat pumps are not disadvantaged.

Attached is their response. It  didn't address my central issue that the government should not be encouraging the mass installation of heat pumps without telling people that it will worsening the EPC rating of their house.




Grant Aerona HPID10 10kWh ASHP

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@mike-patrick This very topic was in the news a couple of days ago -

from the article "... the way that the [EPC] ratings are currently estimated means that replacing a traditional gas boiler with a heat pump can lower a home's energy efficiency rating.

The Government has held meetings with the industry about a possible rule change to rectify the issue, The Telegraph can disclose.

A Whitehall source said: "We are aware of this problem and it is being reviewed."

12kW Midea ASHP - 8.4kw solar - 29kWh batteries
262m2 house in Hampshire
Current weather compensation: 47@-2 and 31@17
My current performance can be found - HERE
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The Sunday Telegraph Sun, Apr 17, 2022

‘Make heat pumps cheaper than boilers’

Not sure if the link will work

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what’s needed is engaged local installers independent or through a proper a company that forge mature relations with end users. But this model conflicts intensely with the interests of the manufacturers who want a low cost pile them high sell them cheap business model.


I see no hope, ever, of that happening in the U.K. I’m afraid. The heating industry is too technically involved for non engineers who have not worked on the tools to make policy around. A spanner wielding technician scares the pants out of CIBSE and everyone in the upper echelons of the industry.


don’t expect a positive change, when you buy a heat pump keep it simple, and only buy components from the heat manufacturer. If your chosen brand doesn’t have mixing valves for UFH move on and find one that does 


keep its simple, it really is… you are buying key system components, not just a heat pump





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@jeff Lets hope they do develop an EIA because I was crying over my bills before the price rise. Interestingly, I was at a meeting this morning where fuel poverty was mentioned and RSL's are being discouraged from using the term which I am most annoyed about as it is a term most people can understand and has a generally accepted definition. I found this notion of avoiding using the term a bit sinister to be honest.



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