A beginner's journe...
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A beginner's journey into DIY home energy storage - no solar!

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It's worthwhile reading the submission by National Grid ESO to the Commons Select Committee on Energy from Sept'23:

"To achieve net zero targets, our scenario modelling shows capacities of longer duration storage technologies of 3 to 9 GW in 2030, rising to 12 to 17 GW in 2050."

They also extend the definition of Long-term Storage to beyond the 200hr figure which has previously been used.
And they see a need for hydrogen-generation to be developed as 'storage' to at least 18GW by 2050.


One issue I have with their projections is that it is firmly based on the System Transformation option, as defined in the Future Energy Scenarios.
They assume that the contribution from the general public (Consumer Transformation) will negligible.

FESdiag shaded

The System Transformation model is the most expensive option for us consumers because we are required to pay for it.


It's important for us to note that the outcome of implementing storage batteries by end-users is different to the large scale commercial batteries which @david999 mentions.

When us consumers install batteries in the home, the effect is to dramatically reduce peak-time demand.
Reducing the peak has a wide-reaching corollary on the grid.
The requirement to upgrade grid capacity is significantly diminished... and thus less of our money is needed.

In contrast, commercial battery storage has no effect on peak demand.
It merely allows the network operator, ISOP, to fill in the gaps when the sun doesn't shine or the wind doesn't blow.
The massive grid upgrades are still required.


This post was modified 3 weeks ago by Transparent

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