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Electricity price predictions

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i believe the new rule is the ultra high fixed will be able to leave with no cost and rejoin at the fixed tariff that is coming in.also those on a higher fixed but not ultra high will be dropped down to the new fix.

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Whilst I try not to be political, has anyone noticed that our new Chancellor would appear to have tanked the pound sterling by 3.6% against the US dollar, in his obvious desire to make the rich, richer.

Since gas and oil are priced in US dollars, I suspect it will not be too good for the not so rich.

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Gas prices are very volatile anyway, much more than 3% a day typically 

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I was sent this petition link this morning (a tad late) pertaining to OFGEM’s price cap:


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First scam text message received.

8C027579 B4D8 4F71 9EF8 471CCCD02C10


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@editor I got that one a few days ago. ☹️

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OVO Power Move

OVO will contact customers directly who meet the criteria

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Although the government subsidised price cap doesn't help me (I fixed a 2 year price in February at slightly below the new cap - I'm electric only) I've just noticed that the differential between the capped gas and capped electricity prices has narrowed to a factor of about 3.5. Last time I looked (before Ukraine invasion) electricity was about 5x more expensive than gas, per kWh.

I wonder if this is just happenstance or deliberate policy? If the latter and it is to be maintained then it improves the case for ASHPs, bringing the price difference very much more within their achievable efficiency. One more dis-incentive removed. Just need the EPC rating system to change now.



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@mike-patrick I don't think it's a coincidence. When you add the fact that even a new gas boiler is only up to 90% efficient (and old ones are a lot less) then the differential is less.  Mains gas was far too cheap and there was no real cost pressure to use less.

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Posted by: @kev-m

@mike-patrick I don't think it's a coincidence. When you add the fact that even a new gas boiler is only up to 90% efficient (and old ones are a lot less) then the differential is less.  Mains gas was far too cheap and there was no real cost pressure to use less.

There is now. ☹️


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