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3166 kWhs
Joined: Dec 30, 2022
Last seen: Feb 4, 2025
Topics: 5 / Replies: 422
RE: Ecodan 6kW - is it "cycling", or normal operation?

@clockworks while your sorting your wireless controller I have time to write a post on your rad capacity and the correct maths for sizing. So maybe l...

1 week ago
RE: Ecodan 6kW - is it "cycling", or normal operation?

Hi @clockworks Yes I sent you the charts which showed 3kw minimum output. I was very impressed when you managed to create the same hourly chart a...

1 week ago
RE: Ecodan 6kW - is it "cycling", or normal operation?

Hi @clockworks. I was just suggesting the one hour MELCloud graph so it’s more detailed. I think @gary could see what I was driving at.... the actua...

2 weeks ago
RE: Ecodan 6kW - is it "cycling", or normal operation?

Thanks for the description @clockworks, that gives a better picture of your setup. I’m not sure if I’m interpreting your graphs properly but it appe...

2 weeks ago
RE: Ecodan 6kW - is it "cycling", or normal operation?

@clockworks The wireless controller will modulate the HP and reduce output as the HP approaches the target room temp- but only when in Auto Adapt m...

2 weeks ago
RE: Ecodan 6kW - is it "cycling", or normal operation?

The first thing I have seen in your graphs is that opening the TRVs has allowed the emitters to offload more heat, making your home somewhat warmer. I...

2 weeks ago
RE: Ecodan 6kW - is it "cycling", or normal operation?

@clockworks can you confirm is the 900w you refer to consumption or is it output? If it’s consumption then that’s about right… assuming a cop of 3 whi...

2 weeks ago
RE: Ecodan 6kW - is it "cycling", or normal operation?

thanks @gary I’ve just also explained that at 30c flow temps the output is even lower esp when you deduct the 2,5c mid temp of the emitters. all th...

2 weeks ago
RE: Ecodan 6kW - is it "cycling", or normal operation?

Hi @clockworks I’ve just noticed @gary and I sent crossing messages at same time. I don’t want to overload you with too much information. So I’ll...

2 weeks ago
RE: Ecodan 6kW - is it "cycling", or normal operation?

In principle, most heat pumps are over sized at some point. This usually occurs at the lowest demand and lowest outdoor temperature when we still need...

2 weeks ago
RE: Ecodan 6kW - is it "cycling", or normal operation?

Hi @clockworks perhaps a bit more background would help; what model HP is it the new R290 or the PUZ-WM60? (They have different minimum outputs) ...

2 weeks ago
RE: Creative trials on Night-time Setbacks to @ faster recovery, improved comfort and even greater energy reductions.

That’s great to here…. im curious, If you’re putting a 2c drop on the flow temp what’s your room temperature drop at the end of the setback? (Of cou...

2 weeks ago
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