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2545 kWhs
Joined: Dec 30, 2022
Last seen: Jul 2, 2024
Topics: 5 / Replies: 340
RE: Creative trials on Night-time Setbacks to @ faster recovery, improved comfort and even greater energy reductions.

Your graph shows some interesting correlations. Simple question- Can you confirm if the 17% difference in estimated consumption is of your total HP m...

3 months ago
RE: Observations on my Ecodan's estimates of energy consumed and delivered

yes ours is set exactly as you stated. 72W for pump4. Zero for all others. I may consider reducing it to 50w and see what that does to the daily sta...

3 months ago
RE: Observations on my Ecodan's estimates of energy consumed and delivered

Hi. Do you know if your meter is collecting all energy used by all ancillary equipment eg. Immersion heater, zone pumps (if fitted) etc? Also how ma...

3 months ago
RE: Observations on my Ecodan's estimates of energy consumed and delivered

Hi @derek-m I haven’t been able to find the exact page you referred to. Last time we spoke on this I looked through the data book and manual but co...

3 months ago
RE: Observations on my Ecodan's estimates of energy consumed and delivered

If you’ve read other threads on this subject then it’s quite likely you’ve read a few of my posts on this topic also. The first thing I’d like to su...

3 months ago
RE: MelCloud Outage

@snuffy why do I always blame myself when something goes wrong? We went to Scotland on Monday so thought I’d try the on/off switch on MELCloud fo...

3 months ago
RE: Heat pump Comparison

hi @Potatoman I've tried to answer some of this question in my post on “Creative Trials” but the results are limited to a radiators only setup and an ...

4 months ago
RE: Creative trials on Night-time Setbacks to @ faster recovery, improved comfort and even greater energy reductions.

@hcas yes we are pretty much settled with a 3 C setback each night now. There could be several reasons for saving energy on a night time set back; not...

4 months ago
RE: Creative trials on Night-time Setbacks to @ faster recovery, improved comfort and even greater energy reductions.

Hi HCas yes, I’m glad you’ve found it interesting. There appears to be a roughly 3 kw saving per night on a 10kwh day and a similar saving on a 15 K...

4 months ago
RE: Question about Ecodan's Room Autoadapt mode

@afarmery We are currently using weather compensation and have just returned after a 2 week setback set back to 10c. What we did was to turn up the...

4 months ago
RE: Creative trials on Night-time Setbacks to @ faster recovery, improved comfort and even greater energy reductions.

@harriup thanks for your post it’s good to get a different perspective on this consumption challenge. You have done a lot of work in gathering MELClou...

4 months ago
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