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1519 kWhs
Joined: Oct 26, 2022
Last seen: Nov 27, 2024
Topics: 4 / Replies: 87
RE: The death of the ASHP?

@majordennisbloodnok Really great summary, nice one. For my part, and at the risk of sounding preachy, I don't ask myself "what's going to make the ...

2 years ago
RE: The death of the ASHP?

I agree, which is why I said that it would have been at parity with gas even if only 1 of those things were true. For the avoidance of doubt, I don't ...

2 years ago
RE: The death of the ASHP?

I swapped my gas boiler for an ASHP and it is far, far cheaper than it would have been on gas. A combination of 3 things: 1) old gas boiler being very...

2 years ago
RE: Keystone COPs? I'm not getting the efficiencies I expected on my Ecodan.

@sunandair A priori, a lower setback ought to improve the COP because the flow temperatures can be reduced to correspond to the lower heat demand. Low...

2 years ago
RE: Keystone COPs? I'm not getting the efficiencies I expected on my Ecodan.

Maybe I'm misunderstanding, but what do you mean by "damaged our COP" here? You say it's gone up from 3.17 to 3.4?

2 years ago
RE: Keystone COPs? I'm not getting the efficiencies I expected on my Ecodan.

I haven't been tracking outdoor temp vs COP for that long, but so far I've been getting ~3.75-ish at 8C outdoor temp: The above is the average dai...

2 years ago
RE: Ecodan Melcloud temperature control with compensation curve

You can change the flow temp and target room temp via the app, but not the WC curve or the offset. A bit frustrating for me as my installer put the FT...

2 years ago
RE: National Grid ESO peak hour rebate

The morning ones are the least lucrative for me, partly because I'm usually already at work, and partly because the battery storage probably still has...

2 years ago
RE: National Grid ESO peak hour rebate

We got £17.20 from the one on the 23rd (Octopus). Just turned the ASHP off for an hour and had the battery on (though the vast majority of the savings...

2 years ago
RE: Boxing in your cylinders.

You could also box off just the front and left side and hide it behind a curtain on the side by the door if there's not enough space there.

2 years ago
RE: Move along, nothing to see here....

Agreed - absolutely no way I'd give some random company the API key for my energy provider. Very suspicious!

2 years ago
RE: Heat pump delta T too low - 2c

Forgive me if I'm misunderstanding something but that graph appears to be the Leaving Water Temperature (LWT)? If so you need to also know the Return ...

2 years ago
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