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Mike Patrick
Honorable Member
1963 kWhs
Joined: Mar 23, 2021
Last seen: Mar 3, 2025
Topics: 18 / Replies: 153
RE: ASHP manufactures (NIBE vs Grant)

Tom, FWIW I would say that Grant customer service is good (btw it is my review of the Aerona 3 on this site). We've had some performance issues w...

4 years ago
RE: UK government electricity levy petition - Remove environmental taxes from electricity to encourage heat pump installations

@editor I recently corresponded with Baroness Brown (Climate Change Committee). She agreed that the pricing of electricity relative to oil and gas nee...

4 years ago
RE: UK government electricity levy petition - Remove environmental taxes from electricity to encourage heat pump installations

The contradiction in energy pricing is that the high price of electricity relative to gas is the opposite of what is needed to encourage customers to ...

4 years ago
RE: Worcestershire ASHP

This seems like a variation on the Four Yorkshiremen sketch. I'm completely out of the running - but I guess the winner will be whoever puts the mos...

4 years ago
RE: ASHP to replace storage heaters

A slight aside this. The extent of the questions everyone considering a heat pump has to ask is indicative of how far the industry has to go to make t...

4 years ago
RE: Air source heat pump performance

@derek-m Derek, Yes, it was the red plug that I tightened down. I'll turn off the isolation valve then I can have a better look and use an Alle...

4 years ago
RE: Air source heat pump performance

@derek-m I've checked on the inta website and you are right the gauge is the GP1576004 which I see I can get from them for £11.30. The valve which...

4 years ago
RE: Air source heat pump performance

@derek-m No smart meter, Have just been switched to EDF as our last supplier (Green Network) went bust. Will ask them about smart meters, althou...

4 years ago
RE: Air source heat pump performance

@derek-m That's very kind. Attached are photos of the gauge and the valve. Mike

4 years ago
RE: Air source heat pump performance

@derek-m The Grant engineer found the fluid levels to be where he expected so I don't think there is a continuing leak. I still have to replace the...

4 years ago
RE: Air source heat pump performance

Just an update on our electricity consumption. It is now just over a month since the Grant engineer checked out our system. May was cold and our t...

4 years ago
RE: Air source heat pump performance

@julianc I don't believe there is a support contract with Grant. Our installer ( 4 years ago) didn't even register the system with Grant and I've ...

4 years ago
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